
  • 网络Guanyin Bridge
  1. 一条街上的财富与时尚&江北观音桥商业圈荣膺中国著名商业街

    Jiangbei Guanyinqiao business district was honored with The famouse Chinese business street

  2. 扬子区晚奥陶世到早志留世海洋生物群的阶段性更替及观音桥组的时代

    A phasic alternation of marine biota from Late Ordovician to Early Silurian and the geological age of the Guanyinqiao formation

  3. 苗、汉杂居地区苗族学生低学业成就的原因分析&以毕节市观音桥办事处苗族教育为例

    Analysis of the Miao Ethnic Students ' Low Achievements in Learning in Areas Where the Miao and the Han Live Together

  4. 而对于锌来说,由于其对降水酸度和环境湿度比较敏感,因此,铁山坪站点的腐蚀速率反而稍微高于城区观音桥站点。

    Due to its relative high sensitivity to precipitation acidity and environmental humidity , the corrosion rate of zinc at TSP was a little higher than that at GYQ .

  5. 2004年观音桥主城区的污染程度较铁山坪郊区要高,且两地都是冬季污染最严重。

    2 , The degree of pollution was higher at Guan Yin Qiao of Chongqing city than Tie Shan Ping suburb , and the highest degree of pollution at the two area was in winter .

  6. 通过这些研究,主要获得如下结论:(1)由于受城区源排放的影响较大,重庆城区观音桥站点的大气污染状况总体要比近郊的铁山坪站点严重。

    Through these studies , some main conclusions were drawn as follows : ( 1 ) In general , due to the strong effects of urban local sources , the air pollution at GYQ was more serious than that at TSP ;