
  1. 重庆大足石刻千手观音造像区地下水渗流机制分析

    Groundwater seepage mechanism in the area of the Thousand Armed Guan Yin at Dazu stone carvings , Chongqing

  2. 千手观音造像曾经历至少4次修缮,而这次是最大的一次修复。

    It is the largest restoration project on the statue , which underwent repairs at least 4 times in history .

  3. 大足石刻千手观音造像高7.7米、宽12.5米,开凿于南宋年间(1127-1279)。

    The statue , 7.7 meters high and 12.5 meters wide , was carved during the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1127-1279 ) .

  4. 如果我们仔细加以分析和观察,就可以发现,观音造像在每一时期、每一地域,都有不同的特征和变化。

    If we carefully analysis and observation , we can found that avalokitesvara statues in each period , each region , has different characteristics and change .

  5. 工作人员进行了风化石质加固、彻底清洗工作,共完成千手观音造像830只手和227件法器的修复,使用金箔超过100万张。

    Workers restored 830 hands and 227 instruments , using more than 1m gold foils , consolidating the dated pieces of the statue and thoroughly cleaning it .

  6. 大足是继敦煌、云冈、龙门之后的又一佛教石窟重地,且其观音造像比其它石窟更为精美绝伦。

    The Dazu is an another important place for the Buddhist Cave Temples after Dunhuang , Yungang and Longmen Grottoes , whose Guanyin sculptures are more superb that other caves .

  7. 印度的观音信仰及观音造像

    The Guanyin Belief and Sculpture in India