
ɡuān shǎnɡ zhí wù
  • ornamental/decorative plant;ornamental
  1. 少数可食,如荞麦和大黄;有一些是观赏植物。

    Many of Polygonaceae are noxious weeds , some ornamentals , and buckwheat ( Fagopyrum ) and rhubarb ( Rheum ) foodstuffs .

  2. 甲醛污染对4种观赏植物叶片叶绿素及MDA含量的影响

    Effects of Formaldehyde on Chlorophyll and MDA Contents of Four Kinds of Interior Plants

  3. 株洲市园林观赏植物造景的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of the Arrangement of Ornamental Plants in Urban Gardens in Zhuzhou City

  4. TL生根剂促进4种观赏植物插条生根

    ' TL ' Rooting Promotor Stimulates the Rooting of Four Kinds of Ornamental Plants

  5. 玫瑰(RosarugosaThunb.)是蔷薇科蔷薇属的一种重要的观赏植物,花型秀美,芳香四溢,色彩绚丽。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa Thunb . ) is an important ornamental plant of rosaceous , with beautiful and fragrant flowers .

  6. 但是园艺大师鲍勃·奥拉西(BobOrazi)表示,“大部分观赏植物在六个月之后就能自理。”

    But master gardener Bob Orazi says ," Most of them take care of themselves after the first six months . "

  7. 忽地笑(Lycorisaurea)为石蒜属植物代表种,是优良的观赏植物和药用植物。

    Lycoris aurea , being a representative species of Lycoris Herb , is a fine decorative plant and medicinal plant .

  8. 但是园艺大师BobOrazi表示,“大部分观赏植物在六个月之后都能自己照料自己。”

    But master gardener Bob Orazi says , " Most of them take care of themselves after the first six months . "

  9. 屋顶长生草(Sempervivumtectorum)系景天科长生草属多年生常绿草本观赏植物,主要分布在欧洲。

    Sempervivum tectorum is a perennial succulent ornamental plant that spread widely in Europe .

  10. 观赏植物B9、N29的营养和生殖生长研究

    Study on Nourishing and Procreation Growth of Ornamental Plant of B9 、 N29

  11. 试验表明30种受试草本观赏植物抗酸雨能力强弱与叶片细胞pH变化有关,即叶片细胞pH缓冲能力影响了酸雨对叶片的表观伤害效应。

    The results show that the resistance of thirty herbaceous ornamental plants to acid rain is related to the change of pH value of leaf cell , showing that the change of pH value of leaf cell results in the appearant injury in leaf .

  12. 锦带花(Weigelaflorida(Bunge)A.DC)是珍贵的观赏植物种质资源,在河北省主要集中分布在承德雾灵山地区,有粉色和白色两种花色。

    Weigela florida is the precious genetic resources which is mainly distributed in the Wuling mountain in Hebei province with pink and white colors .

  13. 紫薇属(Lagerstroemia)约55种,我国原产16种,是常见的观赏植物。

    There are about 55 species of Lagerstroemia plant , 16 of which are native and popular ornamental plants in China .

  14. 棉蚜AphisgossypiiGlover是一种危害棉花、瓜类及多种观赏植物的重要害虫,给农业生产带来了重大损失。

    The cotton aphid , Aphis gossypii Glover , is one of the main pests and it causes serious damage for cotton , melon and various horticultural plants .

  15. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis是蔬菜、果树和观赏植物上的主要害虫。

    The western flower thrips ( WFT ), Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande ), is a key pest of vegetable , fruit and ornamental crops .

  16. 本文综述了1-MCP的作用机理和在观赏植物上的研究与应用现状以及最新进展。

    The action effects and physiological mechanisms of 1-MCP , the status of studies and applications of 1-MCP on ornamental plants , and current researches of ethylene binding inhibitor were reviewed in this paper .

  17. 研究了超小型核磁共振成像仪的性能,并对2种观赏植物、动物骨骼、蛔虫、蚯蚓等生物样品进行了核磁共振成像以及T1加权和氢核密度加权成像。

    Some characteristics of the instrument are surveyed . Several samples of living things such as two kinds of ornamental plants , animal bones , ascarid , angleworm are imaged as T 1 weighted and hydrogen density weighted images as well .

  18. 牡丹(PaeoniaSuffruticosaAndr.)是芍药科、芍药属的落叶亚灌木,是我国特有的观赏植物种质资源。中原牡丹品种群是我国牡丹中分布最广泛、历史最悠久的栽培类群。

    Tree peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr . ), which belongs to paeonia , paeoniaceae , is an endemic ornamental plant germplasm resource of China , Central plain tree peony is the most widely distributed and the oldest cultivated groups of tree peony in our country .

  19. 研究模拟酸雨(pH2.0、3.0、3.5)对9种草本观赏植物叶片叶绿素(Chl)含量和细胞质膜透性的影响。

    Responses of 9 species of herbaceous ornamental to simulated acid rain ( pH 2.0,3.0 and 3.5 ) in cytoplasma membrane permeability and chlorophyll content in leaves were studied . A remarkably negative correlation was found between acid rain stress and chlorophyll content .

  20. 浅议木本观赏植物在太原园林中的应用

    A Discussion about Application of Woody Ornamental Plants in Taiyuan Gardens

  21. 新疆野生观赏植物的引种驯化及利用研究

    A Study on Introducing and Using Xinjiang 's Wild Ornamental Plants

  22. 植物遗传嵌合体及其在观赏植物育种中的应用

    Plant Chimeras and Application in the Breeding of the Ornamental Plant

  23. 丽水乡土木本观赏植物资源调查及利用

    Survey and utilization of native woody ornamental plant resources in Lishui

  24. 龙舌兰科二种观赏植物的病原真菌鉴定

    Identification on the pathogenic fungi of two ornamental plants of Agavaceae

  25. 长白山野生珍稀观赏植物资源

    Resources of Wild Rare and Endangered Ornamental Plants in Changbai Mountain

  26. 观赏植物远缘杂交和多倍体育种研究进展

    Research Progress of Distant Hybridization and Polyploid Breeding of Ornamental Plants

  27. 南昌市水生观赏植物在园林规划中的应用

    Application Of Aquatic Ornamental Plant In Garden Plan Of Nanchang City

  28. 乙烯抑制剂在采后观赏植物中的应用研究进展

    Advances in Ethylene Inhibitor in The Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants

  29. 四川省野生观赏植物资源及开发利用

    Resources of the Wild Ornamental Plants and Its Development in Sichuan

  30. 弥勒县石灰岩山地的野生观赏植物资源

    Wild Ornamental Plant Resources in Limestone Mountainous Areas of Mile County