
  1. 感悟声音美&从乐音的咏唱和弹奏看声音美

    Understanding the Beauty of the Sound & from the Singing and Performing of the Sound

  2. 大多数学者重视狭义的声音美而忽视了另一种声音美&广义的声音美,即声音的文化内涵美。

    The broad sense , which is neglected by most scholars , means the internal beauty of its cultural meaning .

  3. 本人从声乐演唱角度出发,论述了歌唱的艺术表现力,即声音美的最高境界&艺术再现。

    The present paper discusses the expressive power of singing , i.e. artistic representation , the supreme ambit of the beauty of the voice .

  4. 文章从语言形式美的角度分析了当前流行的股评语言注重声音美的重要性和必要性,并且归纳了实现声音美的四种主要方式:四字格的使用;

    In the perspective of phonostylistics , this paper makes an analysis of the characteristics of the metric beauty of stock review language and generalizes four methods often used to achieve the beauty : 1 , use of four-character words ;

  5. 玛丽的声音很美。

    Mary has a beautiful voice .

  6. 自然语境下的声音之美

    Beauty Voice of Information Melody in the Context of Nature

  7. 乐之声音之美弹之技&略论扬琴的音色与击弹技术

    The Sound of Tone , the Beauty of Music , the Artifice of Playing & the tamber of dulcimer and the playing artifice

  8. 事实上,在影片中扮演格兰特的女友的巴里摩尔甚至说格兰特的声音很美。

    In fact , Barrymore , who plays Grant 's onscreen love interest inthe movie , went as far as to say he sounded beautiful .

  9. 大家为她鼓掌;她心中有好一会儿感到非常快乐,因为她知道,在陆地上和海里只有她的声音最美。

    The whole court applauded her with hands and tails ; and for a moment her heart felt quite gay , for she knew she had the loveliest voice of any on earth or in the sea .

  10. 我很抱歉,格雷西,但是…你知道吗,如果你要参加这种大赛,不应该不考虑…不展现你作为演员…和歌手的才能你的声音很美…而且你会演奏双簧管

    I 'm sorry Gracie , but ... you know what it , .. if you were to enter this kind of contest It would be a mistake not to showcase your talents as an actress ... and as a singer you have a pretty voice ... and you play the hobo .

  11. 我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美的效果。

    Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration .

  12. 所以,抒情诗人的“我”是从他心灵深处发出的声音,现代美学家所谓抒情诗人的“主观性”不过是自以为是的幻想而已。

    The " I " thus sounds out of the depth of being ; what recent writers on aesthetics speak of as " subjectivity " is a mere figment .

  13. 你的声音一定也很美吧。

    Your voice must also be beautiful .

  14. 那声音真是太美了,多克的嗓音和荡漾的班卓琴声

    That sound was just so beautiful , the sound of Doc 's voice and the rippling groove of the banjo .