
  • 网络Metacognition Ability;meta-cognition;Metacognitive ability;metacognition
  1. 小学中高年级是小学生数学思维发展的关键时期,也是数学元认知能力形成的初级阶段。

    The period of middle and high grades is most important for the pupils to develop the mathematical thinking . It is also the initial stage to form the Mathematical Metacognition ability .

  2. 培养学生的元认知能力对于学生学会学习至关重要,教学设计的各个环节,内容分析、学习者分析、目标制定、策略选择和成果评价,都应考虑元认知因素。

    It is important to cultivate students ' metacognition ability . Therefore , metacognition is necessary to be considered in instructional design , content analysis , learners ' analysis targets , strategy choice and fruits assessment .

  3. Swanson研究认为学生元认知能力的高低与学习成绩直接相关。

    Swanson 's investigation considers that the level of student metacognitive skill is directly related to their learning results .

  4. 63h睡眠剥夺对外显操作自我监控的元认知能力的影响

    Effects of 63h Sleep Deprivation on Meta - cognitive Ability to Self - monitor Overt Performance

  5. 结论:个体自我监控的元认知能力是一种相对独立的能力,在不超过63h的SD期间,几乎未受到损害。

    Conclusion : The human meta - cognitive ability to self - monitor overt performance is a relatively independent ability . If the SD duration is not be - yond 63h , this ability is almost not impaired .

  6. 基于网络的英语自主学习和元认知能力的培养

    English Autonomous Learning Based on Internet and Cultivation of Metacognitive Ability

  7. 大学生焦虑状况和元认知能力呈负相关;

    There was negative correlation between anxiety status and metacognitive ability .

  8. 有效课堂教学的时间视角与技术支持教师的有效课堂提问及其元认知能力

    Instructional-Time Perspective and Technological Support of Effective Instruction in Classroom

  9. 中学生元认知能力培养初探

    The training of the cognitive ability of middle school students

  10. 论元认知能力在医学生临床实习中的培养

    Foster medical students ' metacognitive ability in the clinical practice

  11. 网络教学中支持元认知能力教学的新型知识模型

    A New Knowledge Model Supporting Network Teaching of Meta-cognitive Capacity

  12. 基于网络自主学习的元认知能力提高探究

    Research on the Improving of Meta-cognitive Ability Based on the Network Self-study

  13. 元认知能力在医学生临床实习过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Metacognitive ability plays important role in improving medical students ' clinical practice .

  14. 培养元认知能力的哲学思考及教学实践

    Philosophical Thinking of Developing Metacognitive Ability and Teaching Practice

  15. 外语教学中的元认知能力培养述评

    A critical review of metacognitive competence fostering in foreign language learning and teaching

  16. 信息技术课堂中学生元认知能力培养策略研究

    The Research and Strategy of Fostering Students ' Metacognitive Capability in IT Courses

  17. 数学教学中提高学生元认知能力的研究

    The Research of Improving the Students ' Ability of Metacognition in Mathematics Teaching

  18. 培养学生的元认知能力是提高数学教学质量的助推器;

    First , it is the way of improving the maths teaching quality ;

  19. 论教学中学生元认知能力的培养

    Training Students ' Meta-cognitive Ability in the Teaching Process

  20. 不同焦虑倾向在元认知能力各纬度上均存在显著差异;

    Different anxiety tendency had significant differences in the dimensions of metacognitive ability .

  21. 试述体育教学中学生的元认知能力

    Development of students ' meta-cognitive ability in sports teaching

  22. 高中信息技术课程中的学生元认知能力培养策略

    The Strategy of Fostering Students ' Meta-cognitive Capability in High School IT Course

  23. 从而得出培养学生元认知能力的重要性。

    Importance of the cognitive ability of yuan that thus obtain and train students .

  24. 教师课堂教学的元认知能力及其培养与训练

    Teachers ' teaching-metacognitive ability and it 's training

  25. 在新教学模式下,元认知能力和学习成绩呈现出很大的相关性,元认知能力的高低直接影响学生学习成功的可能性。

    In the new teaching mode , metacognition influences students ' learning results greatly .

  26. 这一时期的教学对个体的数学元认知能力发展具有至关重要的影响。

    So this period is critical to influence the development of this Metacognition ability .

  27. 元认知能力对数学学习的影响

    The Influence of Metacognitive skills on Mathematics Study

  28. 然而元认知能力被认为是影响网络自主学习过程及其效果的关键因素之一。

    However the metacognitive ability is considered to be the key to learning network .

  29. 论元认知能力及其培养

    A Discussion on Primary Cognition and Its Cultivation

  30. 英语多媒体教学模式下的元认知能力

    Metacognitive Ability under Multimedia English Teaching Model