
  1. 中国大学生英语写作元认知发展的纵向研究(英文)

    A longitudinal study of metacognition in EFL writing of Chinese University students ;

  2. 本体性游戏与幼儿元认知发展的研究

    Research on " Do-As-One-Please " Games and the Development of Children 's Meta-cognition

  3. 三至六岁儿童对言语行为影响因素的元认知发展

    The Development of 3-to-6-year-old Children 's Meta-cognition of Influencing Factors of Linguistic Behaviors

  4. 创造思维要立足于两大基本能力的培养学习困难学生元认知发展特点及教育对策

    Features of the Mata Cognitive Development of the Students with Learning Disabilities and the Teaching Strategy

  5. 2.4一6岁幼儿元认知发展深受已有经验的影响,元认知内部各维度发展不平衡。

    Due to the deep influence of past experience , the three metacognitive dimensions of 4-6 year old were developed out of balance .

  6. 儿童元认知发展是当代发展心理学研究的热点领域之一,其中儿童对自身能力的认识与评估又是研究者很感兴趣的课题。

    The development of children 's metacognition is a focus of contemporary developmental psychology . Many researchers are especially interested in how children evaluate their own abilities .

  7. 尽管这些因素的某些方面(如学生自我控制特色赋予学生的太多的自主权和成果考试的较低要求)有时也阻碍了学生的元认知发展,整体看来它们的影响是积极的。

    Though some aspects of these factors ( e.g. , too much autonomy granted to the students by the learner control feature , the low requirements of the achievement test ) sometimes impede the development , their positive influence is overwhelming .

  8. 然而,关于二语学习者听力元认知发展的过程研究却十分匮乏,涉及自主听力学习课程这个新的学习环境的研究更是罕见。

    However , few studies have been conducted on L2 learners ' development process of metacognition in listening . And when it comes to the self-access listening course , a new learning environment for listening instruction , these studies become even fewer .

  9. 对学习不良儿童的研究应以服务教育实践为目的,打破纯实验研究的范式,采用不同方法,从不同角度探讨学习不良儿童的元认知发展规律和作用机制。

    Therefore , the study of children with learning disabilities should serve educational practice by means of breaking through the pure model of experiment-based study and adopting different methods to analyze the objective laws and functional mechanism of the meta-cognitive development of children with learning disabilities .

  10. 3~5岁幼儿元认知监控发展特点的研究

    Developmental trends of the metacognition monitoring in 3 ~ 5 years old

  11. 这一时期的教学对个体的数学元认知能力发展具有至关重要的影响。

    So this period is critical to influence the development of this Metacognition ability .

  12. 自主学习的有限时间是影响学生元认知能力发展的关键因素。

    The limited time for autonomous learning is a crucial factor influencing Chinese students ' development of metacognition .

  13. 近年来,心理理论和元认知的发展问题已成为发展心理学界关注的热点问题。

    In recent years , developmental studies on theory-of-mind ( TOM ) and metacognition have been the focuses in the field of developmental psychology .

  14. 研究发现,元认知的发展在学生思维、学习能力、问题解决及智力的开发上都具有十分重要的意义。

    It was found that the development of metacognition had important and special meaning among student 's thinking characteristics , academic ability , problem solving and development of intelligence .

  15. 目前,对英语学习者阅读策略的研究较多,元认知理论的发展为阅读研究提供了新的视角。

    Much of present EFL reading research has focused on reading strategies used by learners . Now the development of metacognitive theory provides a new perspective for the study of reading .

  16. 在介绍思维导图的特点的优势的基础上,结合教学实践,探讨了思维导图的教学策略和对学生阅读理解的认知策略和元认知策略的发展。

    On the basis of introducing the characteristics and advantages of computer-based mind map and combing teaching practice , the author discusses some instructional strategies as well as the development of learner 's cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies in reading comprehension .

  17. 开放式问卷结果表明:英语写作元认知有一定的发展性。世界PCB三大生产基地的特点与发展趋势

    Productive Characteristic and Developmental Trend of Three - pole PCB Base in World

  18. 并简单分析了学习目标分类理论、元认知策略、最近发展区概念、支架式学习理论、先行组织者学习策略对编写目标的指导作用。

    This paper also simply analysing the guidance effect of classification theory of the learning objective , Meta-cognition Learning Strategy . the zone of proximal development . the Scaffolding learning theory and advance organizer study tactics when writing learning objectives .

  19. 所以,元认知训练学习链,能够实现学生元认知的训练,是提高学生元认知水平、发展学生学习能力的良性平台。

    Therefore , " Learning Chain " of meta-cognition training will provide students with the opportunity to improve their meta-cognition level and their learning ability .