
  • 网络Speech development;language development of children;language development of chileldn;language development of chilled;language chileldn
  1. 幼儿口头言语发展的调查研究

    Investigations On The Development Of The Oral Speech Qf Preschool Children

  2. 浅谈智力落后儿童的言语发展

    A Brief Analysis on the Spoken Language Development of the Retarded Child

  3. 初生到三岁儿童言语发展记录的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of language development in children during the first three years

  4. 0-18个月婴儿言语发展的个案分析

    A Case Study on the Language Development of Infant from Birth to the Eighteenth Month

  5. 雷尼氏言语发展量表

    Reynell Development Language Scales

  6. 反语是指使用与本意相反的字面形式表达本意的一种修辞形式,在儿童言语发展领域中是一种难度较大的认知对象。

    Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used .

  7. 最后基于这些分析提出一些建议,以期能够为课堂中师生互动的言语发展做出一些参考价值。

    Finally , some advance is proposed according to the analyses , which is expected to make contributions to the verbal development during the interaction in classes .

  8. 语文国家课程校本化实施是依据学校的具体情况和学生个体言语发展的多元需求,在国家课程标准的框架下自觉地对语文国家课程进行创造性地实施。

    The implementation of Chinese national school-based curriculum is creatively under the framework of National Curriculum Standards , to realize re-development , is according to schools ' situation and students ' need for language development from several dimensions .

  9. 本文通过对小学一年级教师的访谈研究,对我国儿童入学准备提出5个基本维度,即身体和运动发展、情绪与社会性发展、学习相关、言语发展、认知发展和一般知识基础。

    Through interviewing elementary-school teachers , the researchers propose five basic dimensions to evaluate children 's school readiness in China , including bodily and movement development , emotional and social development , the abilities and skills with studies , spoken language development , and cognitive development and general knowledge foundation .

  10. 语素意识在学前儿童言语技能发展中的作用

    The Role of Morphological Awareness in Kindergarteners ' Linguistic Skill Development

  11. 农村留守幼儿言语能力发展问题研究

    Research on Verbal Problems of Left-behind Young Children in Rural Area

  12. 从言语的发展过程谈精读课上的口语训练

    From speech development to speaking training in intensive reading class

  13. 语音学知识也成为言语工程发展的关键,语音研究的现状如何?

    Phonetic study becomes the bottleneck of speech technology .

  14. 情韵朗读模式的形成和言语认知发展的深化

    Formation of the Pattern of Expressive Prosody Reading Pattern and Development of Speech Cognition

  15. 个人方言的构建与言语风格发展

    The Formation of the Personal Dialect and the Development of Speech Style in Foreign Language Learning

  16. 言语声发展研究的结果为言语障碍的诊断和治疗提供了有效依据。

    The results on speech sounds development can provide an effective assessment and remediation of speech disorders .

  17. 强化听力语言教育促进聋生言语交际能力发展

    Enhancing Spoken Language Teaching , Promoting Communication Competence of Deaf Students

  18. 探讨言语能力整合发展的立体化教学模式

    On the Stereo Teaching Model of Integration Development of Speech Ability

  19. 论意向性及言语行为理论发展的瓶颈

    Intentionality and the Bottleneck of Speech Act Theory 's Development

  20. 美国留学生汉语感谢言语行为语用发展的研究

    A Study of Interlanguage Development of Making Gratitude by American Learners of Chinese

  21. 本研究采用音位对比的分析框架研究讲普通话儿童的言语声的发展,研究中采用了临床中的两种角度:知觉任务和声学性质。

    There were applied two kinds of clinical perspectives : perceptual task , and acoustic property .

  22. 第三,儿童的身体攻击与言语攻击及其发展具有明显的性别差异。

    Remarkable gender differences emerged in both the level and developmental courses of physical aggression and verbal aggression .

  23. 其中对言语不礼貌发展的分析主要是通过对其表现形式即策略选择的分析。

    Among the three perspectives , the processing of verbal impoliteness in communication is mainly explored by analyzing its external manifestation of strategy-choosing .

  24. 随着言语行为理论发展,言语行为作为话语行为的最小单位,成为实证研究的对象。

    The development of speech-act theory has stimulated empirical researches focusing on speech acts , which are regarded as minimal units of discourse .

  25. 言语和语言发展对儿童的整体发展和认知能力发展来说是一项非常有效的预测指标,而且和学业成就密切相关。

    The development of speech and language is a very effective indicator for the whole development and cognitive ability of children , and is related to school success .

  26. 接着指出学生言语创造力的发展是写作主体性教育的出发点和归宿点。

    Then , it moves to point out that the development of student speech creativity serves as both the departing point and the destination of subjective education in writing .

  27. 语言学家们诸如奥斯汀、塞尔对间接言语行为的发展做出了许多的贡献,他们指出语言不仅能够向我们讲述事情,而且能够做事。

    Linguists like Austin and Searle made great contribution to the Speech Act Theory . They pointed out that language can not only tell us something but also do something .

  28. 本文对传统的言语能力整合发展理论和实践予以检讨,从言语能力的系统整体入手,提出了言语能力整合发展的立体化教学模式。

    In this paper , we discuss the conventional theory of integration development of speech ability and teaching practice , and then make a teaching model of developing speech ability in terms of system of speech ability .

  29. 其涵义为:宪法是政治行为的价值尺度和运动形态。现代宪法是现代政治文明的逻辑起点。接着指出学生言语创造力的发展是写作主体性教育的出发点和归宿点。

    The modern constitution provides the logic departing point for the political civilization . Then , it moves to point out that the development of student speech creativity serves as both the departing point and the destination of subjective education in writing .

  30. 【结论】ADHD组儿童的智力水平较低,其言语和操作能力发展不平衡。

    【 Conclusion 】 The lower intellectual level and inbalance between verbal ability and performance ability were found in children with ADHD .