
  1. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  2. 而且每年元宵节都会在爱河有花灯展。

    On the Lantern Festival , you can see lanterns displayed in a row .

  3. 为什么人们在元宵节晚上会去大型的公园里?

    A : Why do people go to big parks on the evening of the Lantern Festival ?

  4. 人们在元宵节的时候会吃元宵,因此这个节日也就叫做元宵节。

    People will eat yuanxiao , or rice dumplings , on this day , so it is also called the " Yuanxiao Festival . " Yuanxiao also has another name , tangyuan .

  5. 元宵节的白天会有舞龙舞狮、划旱船、扭秧歌、踩高跷。

    In the daytime of the Festival , performances such as a dragon lantern dance , a lion dance , a land boat dance , a yangge dance , walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged .

  6. 第十四天用来准备过元宵节,元宵灯会会在第十五天晚上举行。

    The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night .

  7. 他们(元宵)是圆的,因此他们(元宵)一年到头会给他们带来好运。

    They are round and so they bring us good luck all the year round .