
  1. 美国声称,在该海域的航行自由关系到它的“国家利益”;而且它也和东南亚声索国一样,把中国视为威胁。

    America asserts its own " national interest " in the freedom of navigation in the sea , and , like the South-East Asian claimants to the sea , sees China as the threat .

  2. 这位美国国务卿坚称,这些领土纠纷必须在一项涵盖所有声索国的泛地区协定中得到解决,而不应采用中国所喜欢的与各国分别谈判的解决方式。

    The US secretary of state insisted that territorial disputes had to be settled in a region-wide agreement that included all the claimants , rather than the approach favoured by China of conducting talks with each individual country .

  3. 上述仲裁庭认为,无论哪国实际拥有争议性岛礁——其中很多岛礁已经被中国和其他主权声索国改造为人工岛——其所有国并不因此具有主张扩张性的“专属经济区”的权利。

    The tribunal held that , regardless of who actually owns contested reefs , many of which have been transformed into man-made islands by China and other claimants , the features do not entitle their owners to expansive " exclusive economic zones . "