
  • 网络glottic carcinoma
  1. CO2激光手术治疗声门型喉癌疗效分析

    Evaluate the curative effect of CO_2 laser in treatment of glottic carcinoma

  2. T1T2期声门型喉癌喉小部分切除术及疗效评估

    Small partial laryngectomy for early - stage glottic carcinoma

  3. 声门型喉癌的CT分析

    Analysis of CT Appearances of Glottic Carcinoma

  4. CO2激光手术与传统手术在早期声门型喉癌治疗的比较

    Comparison between CO_2 laser treatment and traditional operation for early glottic cancer

  5. 动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较CO2激光治疗早期声门型喉癌疗效分析

    Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer Carbon dioxide laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma

  6. CO2激光治疗早期声门型喉癌疗效分析目的:总结喉癌全喉切除术后Ⅰ期安放发音管发音重建的临床经验。

    To analyse the clinical experience of placing voicing tube reconstructing vocalization at first phase after total laryngectomy in cases of carcinoma of larynx .

  7. KTP激光声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌临床与病理学研究

    The Clinical Observation of KTP Laser Cordectomy

  8. T3N0M0声门型喉癌手术治疗预后因素分析

    Analysis of prognostic factors influencing surgical treatment for glottic laryngeal carcinoma of T_3N_0M_0 stage

  9. 方法:对30例T2,部分T3声门型喉癌喉部分切除术后分别以胸骨舌骨肌,甲状软骨膜,颈前皮肤,Tucker's术修复喉功能。

    Method : Sternohyoid muscle flap , thyroid perichondrium , cervical pedicle skin flap were applied to provide reliable replacement of defect resulting from cancer excision in 30 cases of T 2 and some T 3 glottic cancer .

  10. 部分病理嗓音表现为联合异常,以COP与OOP联合病变为最多,单或双侧声带息肉、Reinke水肿及声门型喉癌组均有相当比例的联合病变。

    Combined variance appeared in part pathological voices , such as single vocal polyps , double vocal polyps , Reinke edema and glottic laryngocarcinoma . COP combined with OOP was the most usual .

  11. 方法:对112例T1、T2期声门型喉癌(T1N0M0、T2N0M0)患者施行喉小部分切除术。

    Method : Small partial laryngectomy were performed to 112 patients with T 1 、 T 2 ( T 1N 0M 0 , T 2N 0M 0 ) glottic carcinoma .

  12. 影响早期声门型喉癌局部控制率的因素分析

    The Factors Influencing Local Control Rate of Early Glottic Cancer

  13. 早期声门型喉癌放射治疗的预后因素分析

    Prognostic factors of early glottic cancer treated with definitive radiotherapy

  14. 垂直部分喉切除术治疗声门型喉癌23例临床分析

    Clinic research of vertical partial laryngectomy for glottic carcinoma of the larynx

  15. 683例声门型喉癌术后远期疗效观察

    The Long-term Follow-up Study of 683 Cases Glottic Carcinoma

  16. 单纯放疗或单纯手术治疗早期声门型喉癌

    Comparison of radiotherapy and surgery for 456 consecutive patients with early glottic cancer

  17. 声门型喉癌颈淋巴结转移相关因素的研究

    Preliminary study on the correlation factors of cervical lymphatic metastasis of glottic carcinoma

  18. 支撑喉镜下鼻内镜辅助激光治疗早期声门型喉癌13例报告

    Laser surgery for early-stage glottic carcinoma under self-retaining laryngoscope with nasal endoscopic assistance

  19. 声门型喉癌的治疗

    Treatment of Carcinoma in Situs of the Glottis

  20. 目的:探讨T1、T2早期声门型喉癌的治疗方法。

    Objective : To explore the surgery way for T_1 、 T_2 glottic carcinoma .

  21. 显微支撑喉镜下二氧化碳激光手术治疗早期声门型喉癌56例分析

    Carbon dioxide laser surgery for 56 cases with early glottic carcinomas through micro-pedestal laryngeal endoscope

  22. 声门型喉癌保留喉功能的喉部分切除术疗效分析

    Efficacy of partial laryngectomy for glottic carcinoma

  23. 背景与目的:声门型喉癌颈淋巴结转移率不高,颈部处理尚无统一认识。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : Cervical lymph node metastasis rate of glottic carcinoma is low .

  24. 声门型喉癌T3病变喉部分切除术后疗效评价

    Partial laryngectomy for T_3 glottic carcinoma

  25. 目的探讨声门型喉癌手术治疗加用术后放疗能否比单纯手术提高治愈率。

    Objective To study the validity of postoperative radiation in improving the curative rate of glottic carcinoma .

  26. 喉部分切除术治疗前连合受累的中早期声门型喉癌临床分析

    Clinical analysis of glottic carcinoma involved with anterior commissure in prophase and metaphase treated by partial laryngectomy

  27. 结论:声门型喉癌若肿瘤向声门下侵犯,易发生气管旁和颈下深淋巴结转移;

    Conclusion : The glottic cancers with subglottic extension may occur PTLN and lower jugular lymph node metastases .

  28. 目的总结环状软骨上喉次全切除术用于治疗声门型喉癌的疗效以及术后喉功能的恢复情况。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect and laryngeal functional recovery of the glottic cancer patients by supracricoid partial laryngectomy .

  29. 方法:回顾分析37例声门型喉癌行SCPL-CHEP术后吞咽功能、呼吸功能、语言功能的恢复情况。

    Method : 42 cases of glottic carcinoma with SPCL-CHEP were retrospectively analyzed the laryngeal function about postoperative deglutition disorder , respiratory , and the phonation .

  30. 目的分析声门型喉癌在不同治疗方式下的预后及其影响预后的因素。

    Objective To evaluate the results of different treatment modalities for carc in oma in situs of the glottis , and to analyze prognostic factors for outcome .