
  • 网络supraglottic cancer
  1. 粘蛋白基因逆转录聚合酶链反应法检测声门上型喉癌N0颈淋巴结微转移

    Detection mucin gene in cervical lymph nodes in supraglottic cancer by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

  2. Ⅳ期声门上型喉癌的治疗与预后

    Treatment and Prognosis of Stage ⅳ Supraglottic Cancer

  3. 目的对声门上型喉癌N(0~2)颈部淋巴结的治疗方法进行讨论。

    Objective To evaluate the treatment method of N0-2 supraglottic cancer .

  4. 头颈部鳞状上皮细胞癌颈部N0的处理&声门上型喉癌

    The management of N_0 neck of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma ── Carcinoma of supraglottic larynx

  5. 结论声门上型喉癌组织中HPA蛋白高表达,并与肿瘤的侵袭转移、复发、预后有关。

    [ Conclusions ] Over-expression of HPA protein related to the invasion , metastasis , recurrence and prognosis of the supraglottic carcinoma .

  6. 结果①前组声门上型喉癌更易侵犯会厌软骨和室带(P0.05);后组更易侵犯杓状软骨和后联合(P0.05)。

    Results ① Anterior group of supraglottic cancer is apt to attack epiglottic cartilage and false cord while posterior group to attack arytenoids cartilage and posterior commissure ( P 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的评估声门上型喉癌N1、N2期行区域选择性颈廓清术的疗效。

    Objective To estimate the cure effect of region-selectivity neck dissection in supraglottic larynx cancer ( N1 ? N2 ) .

  8. 方法对26例声门上型喉癌N1、N2期的患者重点行Ⅱ、Ⅲ区选择性颈廓清术加术后放射治疗。

    Methods The 26 cases of supraglottic larynx cancer were treated with selective neck dissection of ⅱ,ⅲ region and radiotherapy after operation .

  9. LMVD与声门上型喉癌临床分期、淋巴结转移呈正相关。

    LMVD was associated with clinical stage , lymph node metastasis in laryngeal carcinoma of type supraglottic .

  10. 方法:对本院1990年1月至2001年1月共69例CN0声门上型喉癌患者临床资料进行分析,统计隐匿转移率,并依照T分级比较隐匿转移率。

    Methods : 69 cases with supraglottic carcinoma in T 3,4 N 0M 0 between 1990.1 to 2001.1 were studied , the rate of occult metastasis was analysed , and in the light of the tumor grade , they were compared .

  11. 选择性颈廓清术治疗声门上型喉癌

    Application of region-selectivity neck dissection in treatment of supraglottic larynx cancer

  12. 声门上型喉癌颈淋巴隐匿性转移及其处理

    Pathological feature and management of occult lymphatic metastasis in supraglottic carcinoma

  13. 声门上型喉癌与颈淋巴结转移

    Detection of Neck Lymph Node Metastasis in the Patients with Supraglottic Cancer

  14. 声门上型喉癌声带不同活动情况组织病理学分析

    Histopathology study of supraglottic carcinoma with different vocal cord movement

  15. 声门上型喉癌颈淋巴结隐匿性转移的临床研究

    A clinical study on pathologic feature of occult lymphatic metastasis in supraglottic carcinoma

  16. 声门上型喉癌肿瘤生物学特性与双侧颈淋巴结转移关系的研究

    The relationship between bilateral cervical lymph node metastasis and biological characters in supraglottic carcinoma

  17. 声门上型喉癌患者5年生存率为52.7%。

    The overall 5-year survival rate of patients with supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma was 52.7 % .

  18. 声门上型喉癌和下咽癌原发灶与淋巴结转移灶肿瘤转移特性研究

    The metastasis feature of the primary and metastatic lymph node lesions in supraglottic and hypopharyngeal cancer

  19. 声门上型喉癌对侧颈部淋巴结的转移和治疗鼻咽癌颈部淋巴结转移热疗的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Hyperthermia in Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Metastatic Foci in Cervical Lymph Nodes

  20. 拔管率声门上型喉癌为77.2%(1722),声门型喉癌为93.2%(5559)。

    The decannulation rates in supraglottic and glottic cancer were 77.2 % and 93.2 % respectively .

  21. 声门上型喉癌杓状软骨区受累和声带活动度关系的研究

    A study on relationship between invasion of arytenoid area and mobility of vocal cord in supraglottic carcinoma

  22. 结论声门上型喉癌颈淋巴结的隐匿性转移率高,早期不易诊断,应积极行选择性颈廓清术。

    Conclusion The occult metastatic rate of supraglottic carcinoma is high , and selective neck dissection may be necessary .

  23. 声门上型喉癌与会厌间隙受累&附118例全喉连续切片分析

    Supraglottic cancer extending to the preepiglottic space : an analysis of 118 cases by serial section of the whole larynx

  24. 背景与目的:声门上型喉癌的隐性淋巴结转移率高,是此类喉癌诊治的重点之一。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : The occult lymph node metastasis rate of supraglottic cancer is high , and the treatment of occult lymph node metastasis is important .

  25. 结论:声门上型喉癌有较高的颈淋巴结转移率,在转移淋巴结中融合型居多,破膜率高。

    Conclusion : Metastatic rate of cervical lymph node is higher in supraglottic cancers , the aggregated type and capsular perforative stage are more in metastasis lymph nodes .

  26. 方法:对76例声门上型喉癌患者在切除原发灶同时,将术前诊断双侧颈淋巴结转移的33例进行同期双侧颈清扫术(同期清扫组);

    Method : 76 cases were retrospectively analyzed . In terms of clinical diagnosis , 33 cases who had bilateral neck metastasis had received simultaneously bilateral neck dissection .

  27. 结论:声门上型喉癌对声门旁间隙下区侵犯与淋巴结转移及声带活动情况有关,并影响到手术术式的选择。

    Conclusion : The infraglottic space invasion of supraglottic carcinoma is closely correlated with vocal cord movement and lymph node metastasis , and it may affect the choice of operation method .

  28. 结果:声门上型喉癌3、5年生存率分别为66.7%、63.2%,声门型喉癌3、5年生存率分别为87.2%、80.5%。

    Results : The 3 and 5 years ' survival rates for supraglottic cancer were 66.7 % and 63.2 % respectively , for glottic cancer were 87.2 % and 80.5 % respectively .

  29. 95%的声门上型喉癌显微镜下侵袭距离<1052mm,而95%的声门型喉癌侵袭距离<441mm。

    Under microscopic measurement , the tumor invasion distance in 95 % of the supraglottic carcinoma samples was within 10.52 mm , while that of 95 % of the glottic carcinoma samples was within 4.41 mm .

  30. 结论声门上型喉癌患者颈淋巴结隐匿性转移率较高,而早期临来诊断较难,故临床处理应积极行选择性区域性颈清扫术,而重点行Ⅱ、Ⅲ区颈淋巴结清扫术。

    Conclusion Occult metastasis rate of supraglottic carcinoma is relatively higher , and it is difficult to make early diagnosis . So selective neck dissection is recommended for clinical treatment of this disease , and ⅱ, ⅲ level should be dissected .