
shēnɡ dài xiǎo jié
  • vocal nodules
  1. 目的探寻治疗成人声带小结的理想方法。

    Objective To explore a better therapy for adult vocal nodules ( AVN ) .

  2. 2.60例声带小结在经过不同方式治疗后其声学参数jitter值和shimmer值的变化不同。

    After different ways of treatments , 60 cases of vocal nodules have different changes in the acoustic parameters jitter and shimmer values .

  3. 结果:病程较短者,声带小结和声带息肉组织学表现无统计学差异(P0.05);

    Result : There were no significant statistical difference in short term vocal nodes and vocal polyps .

  4. 方法ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级择期行声带小结摘除术患者60例,随机分为3组,每组20例。

    Methods Sixty ASA ⅰ~ⅱ patients with vocal nodule were selected and randomly divided into three groups .

  5. PAS染色,声带小结组织上皮内糖原丰富,可见淀粉样变性粘液样变性。

    PAS staining of vocal nodules rich in glycogen in epithelial tissues , showing amyloidosis myxoid degeneration .

  6. 目的:随着嗓音医学的发展,发现在声带小结患者其声学各项参数(如Jitter、Shimmer、DSI等)与正常嗓音者之间有着明显差异。

    Objective : With the development of phoniatrics , researchers found that many acoustic Parameters ( such as Jitter , Shimmer , DSI . etc ) have obvious difference between Patients with vocal nodules and people with normal voice .

  7. 声带小结和声带息肉手术后的嗓音康复治疗

    Voice Rehabilitation after Surgery of Vocal Nodules and Vocal Cord Polyp

  8. 声带小结者嗓音分析和电声门图参数变化的比较

    Voice Analysis and Electroglottograph Parameters in Patients with Vocal Nodule

  9. 结果声带小结是小儿声嘶的主要原因及主要病变。

    ResultVocal nodule is the main cause to chronic hoarseness in children .

  10. 电视纤维喉镜下治疗声带小结、声带息肉的疗效观察

    Observation of treatment of vocal nodules and vocal polyp using fiber laryngoscope under TV

  11. 中药治疗声带小结50例疗效观察

    Observation on the treatment of vocal nodule by Chinese herbal medicine in 50 cases

  12. 声带小结及声带息肉的组织病理学研究

    Pathological studies of vocal polyps and vocal nodes

  13. 使用益气活血法进行治疗儿童声带小结有效而可行。

    Qi-invigorating and Blood-activation Therapy in vocal nodules of children is effective and feasible .

  14. 针刺治疗声带小结及计算机声学测定疗效评价

    Acupuncture treatment of vocal nodule and evaluation of the therapeutic effect by computerized acoustics assay

  15. 等幅正弦中频电流治疗声带小结69例

    The treatment of 69 cases with vocal nodules with constant amplitude medium frequency sinusoidal current

  16. 正常儿童与声带小结等喉疾患儿间各项参数有非常显著差异。

    The tested parameters were significantly different between normal children and children with vocal nodule .

  17. 方法:对144例声带小结或声带息肉患者的手术标本进行组织病理学分析。

    Method : 144 samples of vocal nodes and vocal polyps were examined by an experienced pathologist .

  18. 电子喉镜下声带小结、息肉两种摘除方法的术后反应比较

    Comparison between clamp operation and laser operation for treatment of vocal nodes and polyp under electronic laryngoscope

  19. 结论:穴位针刺治疗喉部慢性炎症具显著疗效,尤其适用于慢性单纯性喉炎及声带小结。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture is suitable for chronic laryngitis , especially for simple laryngitis and vocal nodules .

  20. 本文报道了等幅正弦中频电流治疗声带小结,有效率为31.88%,治愈率为59.42%,总有效率为91.30%。

    The treatment of vocal nodules with constant amplitude medium frequency sinusoidal current is reported in this article .

  21. 声带小结患者甲皱微循环改变及中药金喉片对其影响

    Changes in Nailfold Microcirculation of Patients with Nodule of Vocal Cords and Effect on It by Jin Hou Pian

  22. 经纤维喉镜声带小结、息肉Nd:YAG激光切除术51例临床分析

    Analysis of Nd : YAG laser ablation of vocal cords polypus and nodules through fibre-laryngoscope : a report of 51 cases

  23. 声带小结:18例(早期8例,后期10例)〕进行人迎、合谷穴位刺激治疗,治疗前后分别行喉镜检查及声学测试,观察喉部病变及嗓音声学特征变化以评价疗效。

    Laryngoscopic and acoustic examination were performed before and after treatment in all patients to evaluated the effect of the treatment .

  24. 总之小儿声带小结的选择性外科治疗是小儿慢性声嘶处理中的可行方法。

    In conclusion , selective surgical treatment of children 's vocal nodule should be considered feasible management option for chronic hoarseness .

  25. 目的探讨曲安奈德喉上神经阻滞治疗声带小结、息肉及任克氏水肿的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the effects of triamcinolone acetonide on superior laryngeal nerve block treatment in patients with vocal cord diseases .

  26. 结论病理嗓音的结果示声带小结、声带息肉、声音嘶哑及单侧声带麻痹患者嗓音主要参数均有异常改变并以基频微扰、声门噪声能量最为敏感;

    The main voice parameters were changed in vocal nodules , polyp of the vocal cord , unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis .

  27. 目的探讨纤维喉镜下Nd:YAG激光声带小结、息肉切除术的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect of Nd : YAG laser ablation on vocal cords polypus and nodules through fibre laryngoscope .

  28. 通过观察声带小结区粘膜波,以探讨小结区不同粘膜波形态在治疗上的指导意义。

    Objective : To investigate the instructive role of different membranous wave of the vocal nodules region under stroboscopy in curing vocal nodules .

  29. 摘要目的:探讨纤维喉镜下微波治疗声带小结和息肉的疗效和方法。

    Abstract objective : to explore the effect and the way of microwave under the fiber laryngoscope to treat the vocal nodules and polyp .

  30. 目的:声带小结、声带息肉是最常见的声带良性病变,手术切除病变是非常有效的治疗手段。

    Objective : vocal nodules and vocal polyps are the most common benign vocal cord lesions , surgical removal of lesions is an effective treatment .