
  • 网络Acid Reflux;Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  1. 心是唯一的症状之一胃酸倒流及的Gord。

    Heartburn is only one of the symptoms of acid reflux and GORD .

  2. 一部分人先温和的心和其他症状的Gord最天,但对大多数人来说,胃酸倒流是罕见的。

    Some people get mild heartburn and other symptoms of GORD most days , but for most people , acid reflux is rare .

  3. 事发后,我得了胃酸倒流

    Ever since the scandal , I 've had acid reflux .

  4. 如患有胃酸倒流的问题,亦不宜使用。

    Do not use Wintergreen if you suffer from acid reflux problems .

  5. 你真觉得这是胃酸倒流吗?

    Do you really think it could be acid reflux ?

  6. 胃酸倒流的疗法在哪里?

    Where 's the cure for acid reflux ?

  7. 哈钦森先生,你又胃酸倒流了吗

    Mr. Hutchinson , are you having reflux ?

  8. 这让我觉得我的食物来像我有胃酸倒流。

    It makes me feel my food come up like I got acid reflux .

  9. 对我来说就是让我胃酸倒流

    It gives me acid reflux . That 's what it means to me .

  10. 加利福尼亚人翠西·雅卡尔称她母亲因为胃酸倒流并发症而痛不欲生。

    Californian Tricia Carr says her mother developed complications from acid reflux that killed her .

  11. 一年多来,他们接受治疗胃酸倒流,胃灼热我,恶心。

    For more than a year they treated me for acid reflux , heartburn , and nausea .

  12. 好处:减少胃酸倒流

    GOOD FOR : Acid reflux

  13. 患上胃酸倒流的人们依靠耐酸药片及奥美拉唑和埃索美拉这样的药物。

    People suffering from acid reflux rely on anti-acid tablets and drugs such as Prilosec and Nexium .

  14. 胃食管返流疾病通常由于瓣膜的虚弱而使胃酸倒流至食管,主要的症状为胃灼热。

    GERD is an ailment of the stomach and esophagus that occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus due to a weak valve .

  15. 咖啡、茶和碳酸饮料不仅会过度放松食管括约肌,导致胃酸倒流,还有利尿剂的作用,导致腹泻和痉挛。

    Coffee , Tea And Soft Drinks Coffee , tea , and carbonated beverages not only over-relax the esophageal sphincter , which keeps stomach acid confined to the stomach , but they also can act as diuretics , which can lead to diarrhea and cramping , Anderson says .

  16. 奥马哈内布拉斯加大学医学中心的胃肠病学家TimMcCashland说,辛辣的菜肴会降低食道底部肌肉的压力,这样胃酸会倒流到食道。

    Chili Peppers This staple of spicy cuisine can lower the pressure of the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus , allowing stomach acid to spill back up into the esophagus , says Tim McCashland , M.D. , a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center , in Omaha .

  17. 因为重力可以让胃酸流回胃里,所以这样有助于在睡觉时防止胃酸倒流。

    This can help reduce acid reflux when sleeping , as gravity keeps the acid in the stomach .

  18. 因为胃部在进餐后需要数小时才能消化干净,医生杰米?考夫曼称,睡觉时胃酸会从满胀的胃部溢出,流进食道,导致胃酸倒流。

    Because your stomach takes a few hours to empty after a meal , physician Jamie Koufman says when you go to sleep it allows for the acid to spill out of your still full stomach and leak into your esophagus , leading to acid reflux .