
  1. 他父亲也叫姓托马斯,是查尔顿和韦斯特波特的教区牧师。

    His father , also named Thomas , was the vicar of Charlton and Westport .

  2. 不要称呼来电者的名字,应该叫他的姓。

    Do not address the caller by their Christian name .

  3. 如你只叫他的姓,他会不理你的。

    If you call him just by his surname , be won 't answer you .

  4. 他叫汤姆,姓格林。

    His first name is Tom and his surname is Green .

  5. 我叫大卫,姓王。

    My name 's david , wong 's my last name .

  6. 他叫汤姆,姓格林。

    His first name is Tom and his surname is green .

  7. 你好,我叫弗勒斯,姓甘

    Hello . My name 's Forrest , Forrest Gump .

  8. 她非常正式地称呼我们,只叫我们的姓。

    She was very formal , addressing us by our surnames only .

  9. “他知道我父亲的教名叫弗尔南多,姓蒙台哥吗?”

    " Did he know my father 's Christian name was fernand , and his family name mondego ?"

  10. 不像西方国家的人,中国人不习惯别人叫他们的姓。

    Unlike people in the West , the Chinese don 't feel very comfortable calling each other by their first names .

  11. 这个叫乔的家伙姓什么?

    You got a last name for this Joe guy ?

  12. 他叫了她的娘家姓。

    A maiden speech in the House of Commons .

  13. 新到美国的外国学生如果听到学生、教师甚至于有些教授只叫他的名字而不叫他的姓,并希望学生也这样称呼他们&甚至于相识才不久,他也用不着奇怪。

    The newly arrived foreign student should not be surprised if other students , teaching fellows , and even some professors use his or her first name and expect the student to call them by their first name & even after only a brief acquaintance .