
jiào zuò
  • draw well;draw a large audience;appeal to the audience
叫座 [jiào zuò]
  • [draw a large audience] 对观众很有吸引力,上座率高

  • 他主演的电影很叫座

叫座[jiào zuò]
  1. 那个男演员的电影通常很叫座。

    That actor 's films usually draw well .

  2. 这戏叫座。

    This play draws well .

  3. 但东芝却相信,凭借着顶级的材质、强大的性能与良好的品质,他们能够为那些财力雄厚的消费者提供一款Windows笔记本,它可以与苹果叫好又叫座的MacBookAir相提并论。

    But Toshiba figures it can offer buyers with deep pockets the Windows equivalent of Apple 's popular and much-praised MacBook Air , with premium materials , strong specs and a good warranty .

  4. 毛里求斯2013年泰国成了中国观光客眼中的大热旅游地,一定程度上应当感谢2012年的叫座影片《泰囧》(LostinThailand),这部“兄弟喜剧”不断冲刷着票房纪录。

    MAURITIUS Thailand became a major destination for the Chinese in 2013 , thanks in large part to the 2012 box-office hit ' Lost in Thailand , ' a buddy-comedy that smashed box office records .

  5. 据《好莱坞》记者报道,英国电视网络运营商ITV星期五宣布他们向这部叫好又叫座的电视剧的新一季道出了“恭喜!”。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , the U.K. TV network operator ITV announced Friday that they are saying " Cheerio ! " to a new season of the highly-acclaimed hit .

  6. 此前既不叫好也不叫座的车型不光只有梅塞德斯的R级车,早年间的旁蒂克阿兹特克(PontiacAztek)也曾被贬得一无是处。

    Not since the Mercedes R-class , and , before that , the Pontiac Aztek has the overall verdict been so bruisingly negative .

  7. 2009年,电影公司的利润暴降逾80%那年没有叫座的影片,dvd销售骤降,经济陷入衰退迪士尼资产的整体回报率仍达到可观的8%。

    In 2009 , when profits at the film studio crashed by more than four-fifths ( no hits that year , DVD sales were tumbling , and there was a recession ) total return on assets was still a respectable 8 per cent .

  8. 他在舞台剧和电影界都获得既叫好又叫座的成功,这一成就堪比奥逊·威尔斯(OrsonWelles)和伊利亚·卡赞(EliaKazan),罕有其他导演能及。

    He accomplished what Orson Welles and Elia Kazan , but few if any other directors have : He achieved popular and artistic success in both theater and film .

  9. 这使它成为了史上第14部最叫座的影片。

    This makes it the 14th highest-grossing film of all time .

  10. 伦敦剧院最叫座的剧目往往是歌舞喜剧

    The most successful show in the London theatre is often musical

  11. 一旦你出张唱片叫座

    Well , as soon as you get a hit record ,

  12. 这是我写过最叫座的专栏。

    It is the most-requested column I 've ever written .

  13. 这出新戏是本季最叫座的。

    The new play is the hit of the season .

  14. 以简单的好-对-罪恶阴谋的创作方式非常叫座。

    Hustle 's approach to a simple good-against-evil plot is extremely cheerful .

  15. 她确实是一个很走红很叫座的演员。

    She was a very hot box office attraction indeed .

  16. 非常叫座的戏须预先订票。

    Advance booking is essential for very popular plays .

  17. 玛丽:也许是因为暴力才叫座吧。

    Marie : It 's because violence is good box office I suppose .

  18. 一些亚洲拍摄的电影在北美也很叫座。

    Asian films produced outside Hollywood are also doing well in North America .

  19. 这部新影片一定很叫座。

    This new film will be good box office .

  20. 由于通货膨胀的影响,这部电影成为了史上第二部最叫座的电影。

    When adjusted for inflation , it is the second-highest grossing film ever .

  21. 当然叫座也就成了南柯一梦。

    Of course it became a popular story .

  22. 信贷资产证券化为何不叫座

    Why is credit assets securitization not satisfactory

  23. 这部戏仍旧很叫座。

    The play is still drawing well .

  24. 那出戏很叫座地继续演下去。

    The play continued an enormous success .

  25. 这出新戏很叫座,你必须及早预定座位。

    The new play has been very popular , you have to book up well ahead .

  26. 第二部,第三部,即使没有李连杰参演,都将依然叫座。

    Part two , part three , even without Jet Li , they would still be successful .

  27. 我那时整整一年都因参演一部叫座的舞台滑稽剧作为巴黎舞台上的明星存在着。

    I had been the star of a hit musical revue on the Paris stage for a year .

  28. 最终鼓励企业生产出叫好又叫座的动漫作品,而非单纯的数量扩张。

    Eventually encourage a popular and critically acclaimed production of animation works , rather than mere quantitative expansion .

  29. 影片成为了1981年最叫座的电影,并仍然保持着最高票房的记录。

    It became the year 's top-grossing film of 1981 and remains one of the highest-grossing films ever made .

  30. 虽然大多数产品都一窜而红,但有几个却叫好不叫座,有一个更是一败涂地。

    Though most were hits , a couple weren 't blockbusters , financially , and one was an outright flop .