
  • 网络Crepe;crepe suzette
  1. 还有一些店出售汤类、可丽饼和鲜果汁。

    Some padarias have soups , crepes and fresh juices .

  2. 法国:可丽饼这种薄饼起源于布列塔尼,但现在法国境内外随处可见。

    France : Crepes These delicate filled pancakes originated in Brittany , but are now found across France , and beyond .

  3. HamptonCreek的一位科学家为我炒了一盘,我觉得这种仿制的炒鸡蛋有点韧性,吃起来疙疙瘩瘩的,更像是蓬松的可丽饼,而不像鸡蛋。

    One of Hampton Creek 's scientists cooked up a plate for me , and I found the fake scramble slightly rubbery and grainy , more like a spongy crepe than an egg .

  4. 做可丽饼,黄油要熔到散发出“淡淡的坚果香味”才算合适。

    Butter , melted for cr ê pes , was ready when it gave off a " slightly nutty smell " .

  5. 然后你和妹妹就能来看我还能在我家过夜我还可以给你们做可丽饼做早餐

    And then you girls can come visit me and have sleepovers and I 'll make crepes for breakfast and dinner .

  6. 法式薄饼通常分为两种:一种是用黑色乔麦面粉做的可口的法式酥饼,而另一种是专为喜欢甜食的人提供的白面法式可丽饼。

    There are two basic varieties , the savory galette made from dark buckwheat flour and the white-flour crepe reserved for sweet treats .

  7. 后半部则是厨房,内有炉子、冷冻库、煎可丽饼的铁板,以及两个工作台。

    The kitchen with a stove , freezer cabinet , crepe griddle and two work tables was in the back of the redesigned bay .

  8. 当服务员问我们需不需要甜点或者饮料时,我忍不住要了一份苹果可丽饼。这个太好吃了。

    When the waiter asked if we wanted any dessert or after dinner drinks , I just couldn 't resist getting the apple-filled crepes .

  9. 但如果想吃点不同的风味,现在游客还可以找到意大利手握披萨、法式可丽饼和泰式香蕉煎饼。

    But those in the mood for something a little different can now also find Italian pizza cones , French crepes and Thai banana roti .

  10. 女孩开始点菜了,她几乎点了菜单上所有的东西,鸡尾虾、派、凯撒沙拉、龙虾、柳橙可丽饼,完全不考虑价格。

    The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu , shrimp cocktail , pate , Caesar salad , lobster , crepes suzette , with no regard to the price .

  11. 说到甜品可丽饼,通常里面都会加点能多益牌的榛子巧克力酱(我的最爱)或者是草莓和奶油,但是不要忘了还可以加点咸味焦糖或者白砂糖。

    For a sweet crepe , there 's always the hazelnut-chocolate spread Nutella ( my personal favorite ) or strawberries and cream , but don 't miss out on salted caramel or the simple pleasure of powdered sugar .