
kuánɡ huān jié
  • carnival
狂欢节 [kuáng huān jié]
  • [carnival] 四旬节前狂欢作乐的节期,尤指天主教徒庆祝的,原由主节一直延长到四旬节前一天,如今通常只限四旬节前几天

  1. 狂欢节期间,全城突然热闹起来。

    The town springs into life during the carnival .

  2. 当地每年都举行狂欢节。

    There is a local carnival every year .

  3. 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。

    The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle .

  4. 这就像是一场盛大的街头狂欢节。

    It 's like one enormous street carnival here .

  5. 临近傍晚时,狂欢节进入最后阶段。

    Towards evening the carnival entered its final stage .

  6. 诺丁山狂欢节已经进入了最后几个小时的倒计时。

    The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours .

  7. 狂欢节开幕进行得几乎是一帆风顺,警方只报告了一例拘捕。

    The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest .

  8. 该词最初指在狂欢节等场合为了吸引人们注意而配合骗子积极对其表演做出回应的同伙。后来,这个词逐渐用于不同的语境。比如,在市场营销中,shill指受商贩雇佣,假装成顾客给其好评的“托儿”。

    Its original use was to describe a person who acted as a swindler 's accomplice , a shill is a person who gives the impression that they are a satisfied independent customer of someone they 're in fact secretly working for .

  9. 初夏简直是鸟儿们的狂欢节。

    Early summer days are a jubilee time for birds .

  10. 我有几个狂欢节的精彩镜头。

    I got some good shots of the carnival .

  11. No.2总是很high寻求刺激的人这家伙会跳伞,冲浪,参加公牛狂欢节---为了体验快感,他什么都愿意尝试。

    No.2 : The Adrenaline Junkie This dude skydives , surfs , runs with the bulls -- anything for that rush .

  12. 那么,苹果举办iTunes狂欢节的意义究竟何在?

    So what is apple getting out of running iTunes Festival ?

  13. 虽然有狂欢节的气氛,E3却是一项重要的商业活动。

    Despite the carnival atmosphere , E3 is serious business .

  14. 然而,日前举行的iTunes狂欢节表明,苹果对音乐业务仍然非常重视。

    However , the iTunes Festival shows that music still matters to the company .

  15. 日前,我参加了在英国伦敦举行的iTunes狂欢节开幕式,人气歌手LadyGaga也亲临现场。

    I attended the opening of the iTunes festival in London , England , last night with headlining artist lady gaga .

  16. 据Garcia说,吸引中国游客的是新奥尔良的主要特色——狂欢节主题派对。

    One thing Chinese tourists love , according to Garcia , is a New Orleans staple , Mardi Gras themed parties .

  17. 苹果公司为iTunes狂欢节邀请的表演嘉宾也都是国际巨星&艾尔顿•约翰、LadyGaga、凯蒂•佩里、贾斯汀•汀布莱克以及约翰•传奇,各个声名显赫。

    The acts Apple books for the iTunes Festival are world class Elton John , Lady Gaga , Katy Perry , Justin Timberlake , John Legend all top notch performers .

  18. 不要忘了,新奥尔良正在举行MardiGras狂欢节,今天是最后一天了。

    And don 't forget everybody ; it is Fat Tuesday in New Orleans , the final day of Mardi Gras .

  19. 《BJ有喜》即将上映,在日前发布的首支预告片中,升职记、狂欢节、动感单车课程,这些伦敦单身女性包揽了的活动,布里奇特·琼斯统统上演了一遍。

    Career progression , festivals and spinning classes : Bridget Jones tackles the standard activities undertaken by a single woman in London in the first trailer for forthcomingBridget Jones 's Baby .

  20. 巡演途中,他们到北卡罗来纳访问了诗人卡尔·桑德堡(CarlSandburg),在新奥尔良过狂欢节,迪伦被只许黑人进入的酒吧拒之门外。

    The stops included a visit to the poet Carl Sandburg , in North Carolina , and a stay in New Orleans during Mardi Gras , where Mr. Dylan was denied entrance to a blacks-only bar .

  21. 占中国的B2C(公司对消费者)和C2C(消费者对消费者)市场总份额的80%的阿里巴巴今年年初表示,超过20个国家的200多家海外商家已确定参加今年的双十一狂欢节。

    Alibaba , which accounts for a combined market share of 80 percent in China 's business-to-customer and customer-to-customer market , said earlier this year that more than 200 overseas merchants from more than 20 countries have confirmed participation in its Double 11 event .

  22. 在Sidmouth狂欢节上,她将拥有专属的彩车、舞服和头冠。

    Charlie will get her own float at the Sidmouth carnival , as well as a ball gown and tiara , according to the Sidmouth Herald .

  23. 所有的运输工具都是船或者步行。威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉(Gondola),坐在冈朵拉上面可以一边看风景一边听艺人们演奏的意大利歌剧。狂欢节上的威尼斯尤其迷人。

    All transportation is by boat or on foot . Venice 's most famous vehicles are gondolas , which drift slowly through the city 's famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas .

  24. 共同体验的愿望,也解释了为什么超级碗仍然是一个大型电视活动,为什么ESPN变成了这个星球上最有价值的媒体之一,为什么HBO让周日晚上成为了一个电视狂欢节。

    The desire for communal experiences explains why the Super Bowl is still a mega TV event , why ESPN has grown to become one of the most valuable media properties on the planet , and why HBO has turned Sunday nights into a marquee time for television .

  25. 我也曾去过狂欢节,当时我11岁

    I went to Mardi Gras once -- I was 11 .

  26. 整个嘉里中心,好似狂欢节来到。

    The whole Kerry Center , bursted into a great carnival .

  27. 组织者称,今年的狂欢节是最温和的一次。

    The organizers are calling this year a modest love parade .

  28. 不行你不能去狂欢节卡罗琳

    No. The carnival 's gonna happen without you , Caroline .

  29. 没有巴西就没有桑巴舞和狂欢节,也感受不到足球的魔力。

    Without Brazilians we wouldn 't have samba and Rio carnival ;

  30. 现在,狂欢节是人们尽情狂欢的时候。

    Today , Carnival is time for a revelry for all .