
kuáng fēng jù làng
  • wild winds and huge waves;violent storm and roaring waves
狂风巨浪[kuáng fēng jù làng]
  1. 结果表明,中尺度海-气-浪耦合模式系统能够良好的模拟台风所产生的海面SST下降、风暴潮、狂风巨浪和台风降水等等现象,且与观测吻合良好。

    The simulation results showed that MCMS can well simulated the response of sea to the typhoon , such as decrease of SST , storm surge , high wind and huge wave , typhoon rainfall , etc. The results were well consist with the observation .

  2. 船员都相信,一定有人触怒了神,以致招来了这狂风巨浪。

    The crew believed someone was to blame for this terrifying storm .

  3. 他们夫妻间的感情很少掀起狂风巨浪,有也迅即平息。

    Their marital storms are infrequent and quickly lost .

  4. 那货船在狂风巨浪中断成了两截。

    The freighter split in two under the force of the stormy waves .

  5. 有时候,我们需要生活的狂风巨浪来帮助我们看到神的恩典。

    Sometimes it takes frightening storms in our lives to help us see how God is blessing us .

  6. 去年,虽然掀起狂风巨浪,但多少让人觉得有点雷声大雨点小的味道。

    Last year , although a fierce waves , but how many people think a little talk small taste .

  7. 当强大的台风向日本冲绳岛南部移动的时候,给日本带来了破坏性的狂风巨浪。

    Japan was bracing for destructive winds and huge waves as a powerful typhoon moved towards its southern island of Okinawa .

  8. 救助船舶经常冒着狂风巨浪,在各种恶劣海况下实施救助作业,救助船员本身冒着很大的风险。

    The salvage ship often carry out salvation operation on the scurviness sae , then cause prodigious risk to the salvation sailors .

  9. 尽管它们从水面飞离时看起来是那么软弱无力,但它们却是出色的游泳者和能与沿海狂风巨浪搏击的飞翔能手。

    They are superb swimmers and capable flyers in the stiff coastal winds , though they look almost helpless attempting to take off from the calm waters .

  10. 当他们出海时,顿时兴起了狂风巨浪,树也不认为它足以让乘客安全。

    While they were out on the water , a great storm arose and the tree didn 't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe .

  11. 官方希望在星期二暴风雨到来之前,把受损煤船拖到更能庇护的地方;预期暴风雨将带来狂风巨浪。

    Officials hope to tow the damaged ship to a more sheltered location , ahead of a storm that is expected to bring high winds and heavy seas on Tuesday .

  12. 海轮决不眷恋风平浪静的港湾,他们宁愿选择与狂风巨浪一搏高下,那会令人兴奋、给他们战斗和胜利的成就感。

    The ship chooses to swim against the huge waves rather than stay in the calm harbor , since it makes here excited and offers her a sense of battle and victory .

  13. 而那些得过且过,没有一点压力,做一天和尚撞一天钟的人,像风暴中没有载货的船,往往一场人生的狂风巨浪便会把他们打翻。

    However , those who muddle along and do not have the least pressure will be tipped over by the storms in life just like a ship without any cargo in the stormy weather at sea .

  14. 由于遭遇狂风巨浪,马耳他一座地标性天然石拱上周三坍塌,落入地中海。这座石拱因拱悬于蔚蓝色的海面上而被称为“蓝窗”,这片海域深受潜水者的青睐。

    An iconic Maltese natural rock arch , known as the Azure Window because it arched over blue seas popular with divers , collapsed into the Mediterranean Sea last Wednesday as Malta was hit by rough seas and stormy weather .

  15. 胜丰轮于1997年8月20日0200被97-11号强台风带来的狂风巨浪从日照港锚地冲上沙滩,造成罕见的高位搁浅事故。

    MV Sheng Feng was pushed aground upon a beach from the anchorage of Rizhao Port , at 0200 of August 20 , 1997 , by strong storm waves caused by No. 11 strong typhoon of 1997 , resulting in high position grounding .

  16. 狂风,巨浪还有暴雨联起手来摧残延塔杰尔城堡,居住在里面简直就是噩梦。

    Ferocious winds , pounding waves , and rain all combined to make Tintagel Castle a living nightmare .

  17. 他慈祥而亲切,这与他的住处――那个狂风掀起巨浪,使船只撞上礁石的地方大不相同。

    He was kind and gentle , very different from the place he lived in , where the wind blew the seas high and dashed ships against the rocks .

  18. 狂风怒吼,巨浪把他淹没了。

    The wind howled and the waves closed over him .

  19. 碑文上记述了郑和与船员的冒险故事:狂风大作,巨浪滔天;

    It recounted the adventures Zheng and his sailors shared : the fearful waves stirred by a hurricane ;

  20. 于是这位导演带着一名摄影师爬上了旅馆的屋顶,拍摄下了狂风推动下的巨浪冲击娜维丽犁防浪堤的镜头。

    So the director took to the roof of his hotel with a cameraman to get footage of wind-whipped waves crashing over the Nawilili breakwater .

  21. 温带气旋常伴有狂风、暴雨、巨浪、低能见度等一系列恶劣天气,影响范围大,持续时间长,对在航船舶的影响程度不亚于台风。

    Extratropical cyclone is often accompanied by hash weather such as storm , torrential rain , very rough waves and low visibility and with the wide affected area and long duration the extent to which it affects the ships in routes is not less than typhoon .