
  1. 例如战士可以转职为勇士和狂战士。

    For example , fighters can be transferred for the Warrior and Berserker .

  2. 使狂战士不是那么致命。

    Made the Berserkers not quite so lethal .

  3. 当这发生时狂战士会对身边的部队发动一次无反击的攻击。

    When this happen , the Berserker attacks any nearby creature without suffering retaliation .

  4. 狂战士原本也是人类,但由于大灾变造成的魔界污染,使他们的身体产生了变。

    Originally human , but the pollution of the devildom have mutated their bodies after apocalypse .

  5. 例如狂战士便拥有自己的科技并对帝国的标准不屑一顾。

    Berserks , for example , use own technologies and don 't give a damn about imperial standards .

  6. 狂暴-给予巨魔狂战士更快的移动速度和攻击频率.不过,他们受到的攻击也会造成更多的伤害。

    Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster movement and attack rate ; however , they will also take more damage from attacks .

  7. 一个名叫亚伦格林的狂战士使诅咒的最后一句话得以应验,他砍掉斯瓦弗尔拉梅的一只手,然后用提尔锋杀死了他。

    A berserker named Arngrim ended up fulfilling the last part of the prophecy by cutting off Svafrlami 's hand and killing him with Tyrfing .

  8. 总体来说,当和始祖比对之后,狂战士还是比较高的,由我们提供的图片可以看到。(下图)

    All in all , when comparing with the Classic Predator collectible , the Berserker Predator one is still taller , which is shown in this backstage photo as follows .

  9. 不管是天界、仙界、人界,无论在商还是在周,从来没有谁能够阻挡狂放不羁的狂战士。

    Whether it is heaven , Once upon a time , one community , whether in business or in the week , who has never been able to stop the wild uninhibited Berserker .

  10. 这个是技艺树编制所供应的,同时我们喜好看到的是:我们不会说“你是一个狂战士系野生番,于是你不能拥有旋风”。

    What this tree style allows for , and one reason we 're pretty keen on it , is that we aren 't saying " You 're a'berserker'barbarian , you can 't have whirlwind " .

  11. 他已经成为了拥有自然狂猛野性的战士。

    He has grown into a warrior at one with nature 's savagery .