
kuáng fàng bù jī
  • uninhibited;profligate and unrestrained;behave unbridledly;with abandon
狂放不羁[kuáng fàng bù jī]
  1. 以在面对困难或者危险时的勇气和坚定为特点;强壮而且狂放不羁。

    Marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger ; robust and uninhibited .

  2. 不管是天界、仙界、人界,无论在商还是在周,从来没有谁能够阻挡狂放不羁的狂战士。

    Whether it is heaven , Once upon a time , one community , whether in business or in the week , who has never been able to stop the wild uninhibited Berserker .

  3. 美国总是更欣赏资本家,因此它的文化培养出更多狂放不羁的百万富豪,其中,名声最大的或许要数史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)。

    The US has always appreciated capitalists more , so its culture has created more rock ' n ' roll millionaires – of which Steve Jobs was perhaps the most famous .

  4. 美国总是更欣赏资本家,因此它的文化培养出更多狂放不羁的百万富豪,其中,名声最大的或许要数史蒂夫?乔布斯(SteveJobs)。

    The US has always appreciated capitalists more , so its culture has created more rock ' n ' roll millionaires - of which Steve Jobs was perhaps the most famous .

  5. 我在伊顿公学过了三年狂放不羁、频频作恶的生活。

    My life at Eton lasted for three wild and evil years .

  6. 文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。

    Literature language is the uncontrollable " hellcat " in the family of language .

  7. 但是,他们保持独立的强烈热情总是狂放不羁。

    Their fierce passion to remain independent , however , was too often unrestrained .

  8. 结合了旧式人物的威严肃穆、充沛的活力和狂放不羁的装饰品,这些人物展现出有趣的两面性。

    The combination of old style stateliness with action and wild accessories lend an interesting duality to these characters .

  9. 从这两位伟大创作者笔下的形象之中,我看到了其反射出的美丽的和永不满足的想像力,全然不守成规、狂放不羁,然而又充满了艺术家洞察力的神奇和力量。

    In the images of these two great creators , I see reflections of beautiful and insatiable imaginations , completely undisciplined , unbounded ;

  10. 它与当时正统士人的重涵养、重品节的士风不同,表现为豪迈俊逸、狂放不羁。

    This style is different from the orthodox scholars which pay attention to self-control and moral character , it is heroic , unrestrained .

  11. 他是伟人之一,是当时狂放不羁的人物之一,勇于对极端的谬论痛加批驳。

    He was one of the great ones , one of the brusque characters of the time , WHO could be critical and curt to an absurd extreme .

  12. 还应该与领带垂直,不过布莱恩表示,大胆的男士可以尝试1930年代流行的略向下倾斜的狂放不羁的角度。

    It should also be perfectly horizontal , though Mr. Bryan suggested that daring men might try the downward-tilted ' rakish angle ' that flourished in the 1930s .

  13. 这种风尚的嬗变,或许正因应了资本主义的转型,从镀金时代的狂放不羁、个性张扬,转向某种更重集团的、没有面孔——没有胡须——的形象。

    The changing fashion may also have reflected a shift away from the untrammeled , individualistic capitalism of the Gilded Age to something more corporate , faceless - and beardless .