
  • 网络Japanese literature;e-text
  1. 它在日本文学和歌舞伎戏剧中地位显著,以至于衍生出了自己的流派“Chūshingura”,即“忠诚仆人的宝藏”,只包含基于这一历史事件的虚构故事。

    It has been featured so prominently in Japanese literature and kabuki theater that it spawned its own genre - Ch ū shingura , or The Treasure of Loyal Retainers , that only includes fictional stories based on this historical event .

  2. 湖南留日作家的日本文学影响

    The Japanese Literature 's Influence on Hunan Writers Studying in Japan

  3. 中国题材日本文学史研究与比较文学的观念方法

    On Chinese Subjects in the History of Japanese Literature and Comparative Literature

  4. 川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。

    Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature .

  5. 新感觉派运动在日本文学史上只是昙花一现,很快就消失了。

    New Sense School lasted briefly in Japanese literature .

  6. 日本文学对晚清文坛革命的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Literature on the Literature Revolution of Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 白居易诗歌意象对日本文学影响深远,平安时期菅原道真的诗歌创作均明显受白居易诗歌的影响。

    The poem images of Bai Juyi had a profound effects on Japanese literature .

  8. 日本文学作品翻译的再创作问题

    Weighing Words in Translation of Japanese Literary Works

  9. 中国汉唐诗歌对日本文学产生了巨大的影响。

    China 's Chinese Tang poetry song has a enormous impact on Japanese Literature .

  10. 五四前后中国的日本文学翻译的现代转型

    Modern transformation in Chinese translation of Japanese literature before and after May 4th Movement

  11. 日本文学研究的文化视野

    The Cultural Perspective on Japanese Literature Research Culture

  12. 这一现象受到了世界日本文学研究者的关注。

    This phenomenon has attracted Japanese literature researchers .

  13. 他正在研究日本文学。

    He is doing research on Japanese literature .

  14. 试论战后日本文学批评中前田爱的作用和地位

    The Role and Status of Maeda Ai in the Literary Criticism in Postwar Japan

  15. 多元文化与日本文学

    The Pluralistic Culture and the Japanese Literature

  16. 日本文学与日本人的缩小意识

    Japanese Literature and Japanese Consciousness of Narrowing

  17. 《源氏物语》被称为是日本文学中最伟大的成就。

    The tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature .

  18. 摘要周作人是我国日本文学研究的开拓者、奠基人。

    Zhou Zuo-ren is a pioneer and founder of studies on Japanese literature in china .

  19. 中国题材的日本文学,从古到今有着一千多年的历史传统。

    Japanese literature of Chinese subject matter owns a tradition of more than one thousand years .

  20. 因此,他笔下的女性形象特色突出,思想丰富,在整个日本文学,乃至世界文学领域都具有特色。

    So , the women whom Junichi Watanabe writes have their own features and many thoughts .

  21. 从大江文学看战后日本文学中的天皇制禁忌

    The Emperor System Portrayed in Postwar Japanese Literature The Contemporary Militarism under the Regime of Mikado

  22. 日本文学从整体上而言,是偏向于描摹悲哀之美的,而川端康成又是其中的代表。

    As a whole , depicting the beauty of sadness is a preference in Japanese literature .

  23. 日本文学特别是日本的诗歌翻译成为《新青年》的重要特色;

    The Japanese literature , specially Japan 's poetry translations was the important characteristic of the ;

  24. 论白居易的狂言绮语观在日本文学史上的影响

    The Impact of the Views of Wild Words and Flowery Expressions in the History of Japanese Literature

  25. 试论日本文学翻译

    On Literature Translation of Japan

  26. 近代日本文学史文学作品选读

    Contemporary Literature History of Japan

  27. 狂气、病迹学与文学创作&兼论日本文学病迹学研究

    Arrogance , Pathography and the Literary Creation & Also on the Studies of the Pathography in Japanese Literature

  28. 发展的轨迹,以及各个阶段文体的变迁在日本文学史上所具有的重要意义。

    It also probes the stylistic changes in different stages and their significance in the history of Japanese literature .

  29. 对汉文学在日本文学史上的地位,当代日本人有两种截然不同的看法和评价。有些日本人对汉文学过于轻视、鄙薄,甚至认为是殖民地化的文学,这是不对的。

    About the position of Chinese literature in Japan , there are two views and judgments of complete difference .

  30. 其次是改编的成绩前所未有,不但各种文艺形式都有,而且对日本文学产生了积极影响。

    Secondly , the result of reorganizing is unprecedented , which has produced an aggressive influence to the Japanese literature .