
  • 网络the history of japan
  1. 在这部藏本中有黑笔圈勾的内容被编入《日本国志》邻交志1874年日本侵台事件。

    The marked parts were included in the section about Japanese invasion to Taiwan in 1874 of Japanese Annals : Diplomatic Relations with China .

  2. 黄遵宪《日本国志》从撰成到刊行延迟了8年,成为近代文坛上的一个历史性遗憾。

    The8-year delay between the completion and publication of Huang Zunxian 's Annals of Japan is one of the modem Chinese literary world 's historical regrets .

  3. 偶然在于黄遵宪发愤编纂《日本国志》作为匡时之策,连带产生了《日本杂事诗》。

    By chance lie in Huang Zun Xian to make firm resolve the codification Japanese country ambition as " Kuang it plan ", connect tape generated Japanese miscellaneous matter poem .

  4. 《日本国志》是中国近代第一部系统地记载外国当代史的经典名著,被时人誉为奇作。

    The Chorography of Japan is the first systematic classics masterpiece of recording foreign contemporary history in modern times of china , which was praised as " Church for " by contemporaries .