
  • 网络mad pursuit
  1. 追星作为一种休闲行为几乎已经覆盖了所有的年龄层,尤其是青少年群体更是对此表现出狂热的追求,由此,衍生出了一个大众追星的新时代。

    As a leisure behavior , star chasing almost exists in all age groups , especially in teenagers , therefore , the new era can also be called the era of mass star chasing .

  2. 这是一本关于一个富有创造力的企业家的书,关于他过山车一般的人生,关于他炽热强烈的个性。他对完美的狂热以及积极的追求彻底变革了六大产业:

    This is a book about the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries :