
  • 网络variable angle
  1. 论文在综合了国际上光学薄膜折射率和厚度不同测试方法的基础上,采用可变角椭圆偏振法来实现和建立国防系统的光学薄膜折射率和厚度最高标准。

    Based on the measurement method on optical film refractive index and thickness , commonly used in the world , a method which derived from variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry is used to set the primary standard of optical film refractive index and thickness for national defense .

  2. 软接触可变角表面波探头研制及应用

    Development and APPlication of Soft Engagement Variable Angle Surface Wave Probe

  3. 经一次扫描得到的维生素B2和B6的可变角同步谱峰位置与它们对应的常规光谱中激发一发射峰位置一致。

    The locations of variable-angle synchronous fluorescence peaks for vitamin B_2 and B_6 coincide with those of excitation and emission peaks in routine spectra .

  4. 符合线路断层显像主要由可变角双探头SPECT系统、符合探测线路和衰减校正等组成。

    Tomography with coincidence circuit is composed of variable-angle dual and / or triple-head SPECT system , coincidence detection circuit and attenuation correction ( AC ) .

  5. 可变角同步荧光法快速同时测定苯酚和苯胺

    Variable-angle Synchronous Spectrofluorimetry for Rapid Simultaneous Determination of Phenol and Aniline

  6. 油样品的可变角同步荧光光谱的计算机模拟

    The Simulation of Variable-angle Synchronous Fluorescence Spectra of Crude Oil Samples

  7. 化石燃料的非线性可变角扫描荧光特征光谱

    Non-linear variable - angle scanning fluorescence spectra of fossil fuel

  8. 苯胺和1-萘酚的导数-可变角同步荧光法分析

    Determination of Aniline and - Naphthol by Derivative-Variable-angle Synchronous Fluorimetry

  9. 化石燃料演变与可变角扫描荧光光谱特征变化的关系

    Study on the relation between evolutionary state of fossil fuels and their characteristics of

  10. 第一节提出了希波尔斯金低温非线性可变角同步荧光新方法。

    In the first part , the feasibility of the cryogenic non-linear variable-angle synchronous fluorescence was studied .

  11. 应用三维荧光光谱和可变角同步荧光扫描分析天然荧光氨基酸的含量

    Using three Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra and Variable-angle Synchronous Scanning , Analyze the Contents of Amino Acids with Natural Fluorescence

  12. 报道一种微机控制带恒能量同步扫描和可变角同步扫描的多功能荧光分光计。

    A new microcomputer-controlled versatile spectrofluorometer with the function of constant energy and variable-angle synchronous scanning has been developed .

  13. 本文建立了苯酚和苯胺的同时可变角同步荧光分析法。

    A new method of variable-angle synchronous spectrofluorimetry has been developed for the simultaneous determination of phenol and aniline .

  14. 此程序为三维荧光光谱和可变角同步荧光光谱的获取和分析提供了1种模拟方法,也为可变角荧光分析中最优扫描路径的选取提供了1种快捷、方便的途径。

    This program provides an emulation method for obtaining and analyzing variable-angle synchronous fluorescence spectra and also provides convenience to fluorescence investigators in choosing an optimum path to obtain synchronous spectra .

  15. 根据普通荧光光谱、同步扫描光谱、可变角同步扫描光谱和总荧光光谱等不同荧光光谱信息特征,论述了荧光光谱的三维特性及其在溢油鉴别中的应用。

    The three dimensional characteristic of fluorescence spectroscopy and its application in oil spill identification have also been described based on the different information characteristics of the general fluorescence spectroscopy , synchronous excitation fluorimetry , angle changed synchronous excitation fluorimetry and total fluorescence spectroscopy .

  16. 可变包含角单色器的双轴平行度误差分析和测试

    Analysis and alignment of two unparalleled-axes of a variable included angle monochromator

  17. 此方法可用于生成刀具路径,该刀具路径具有用户控制的可变导引角,但始终使用刀具的侧面进行切削。

    This method can be used to generate tool paths that have a variable user-controlled lead angle , but maintain cutting with the side of the tool .

  18. 双头套筒扳手模具设计可变六角套筒扳手则是对手动螺丝扳手和六角套筒扳手的综合。

    Design of the Die for Both - Ended Circular Wrenches The variable hexagonal box spanner is the synthesis of the manual screw spanner and the hexagonal box spanner .

  19. 倾角可变方位角手动跟踪是最节省太阳电池的跟踪方式,比固定倾角安装的系统节省太阳电池30%-32%。

    Hand azimuth tracking with adjustable tilt angle may be the most economic tracking mode , it can save 30 % - 32 % of PV capacity than the system fixed at optimum tilt angle .

  20. 得出了影响犁体比阻的三个主要的独立可变参数推土角、起土角以及犁体高度的最佳匹配组合。

    At last , the optimal combination among the three main stand-alone variable parameters affecting the specific resistance which includes the pushing angle , rake angle and height of plough was obtained .