
  1. 国际反洗钱可疑交易报告制度改革:英国的实践与启示

    The Reform of Dubious Deal Reporting System in International Combating Money Laundering : Practice and Inspiration from Britain

  2. 可疑交易报告制度的设置是英国反洗钱犯罪体系中重要的一个环节,它构成了保持国家金融安全,鉴定非法资金流动的基本信息平台,成为能否有效打击洗钱犯罪的前提。

    The establishment of dubious deal reporting system is an important link in British anti-money-laundering system , which constitutes the basic information platform to maintain the financial safety of the nation and identify illegal cash flow . It has become an effective premise in combating the crime of money laundering .

  3. 但这种可疑交易数据报告制度存在着标准模糊、海量数据、高误报率、缺乏自适应性和易规避等问题,从而影响到上报可疑交易数据的可靠性和有效性。

    But this suspicious transaction reporting system has some problems , such as fuzzy criterions , massive data , a high false alarm rate , lack of adaptability and easy to avoid , which will affect the reliability and validity of the reported suspicious transactions data .