
  • 网络sustainable energy;renewable energy
  1. 昨天晚上(6月21日),来自9个发展中国家的项目团队因为获取可持续能源的创新方法而获得了阿什登(Ashden)可持续能源奖。

    Project teams from nine developing countries were awarded for their innovative approaches to sustainable energy last night ( 21 June ) .

  2. RadhikaPerrot是联合国大学马斯特里赫特创新与技术经济研究院(UNU-MERIT)的博士生、南非约翰内斯堡WITS商学院的创新与可持续能源研究员。

    Radhika Perrot is a PhD candidate at UNU-MERIT , Netherlands , and Innovation and Sustainable Energy Researcher at the WITS Business School , Johannesburg , South Africa .

  3. JimBrodrick说。他是美国能源部,能源效率和可持续能源办公室(EERE)光源项目组的负责人。

    " [ LEDs and OLEDs ] can be more efficient than any light source available ," says Jim Brodrick , lighting program manager for the DOE 's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ( EERE ) .

  4. Fairmont酒店是可持续能源的坚定倡导者,的确购买了Eco-Logo认证风能,以抵消837台前台电脑产生的排放,此外还有一系列可信的生态措施,基本上与可再生能源有关。

    Fairmont , a firm advocate of sustainable energy , does buy Eco-Logo certified wind power in order to offset emissions from 837 of its front-desk computers , among a raft of creditable eco-initiatives , mostly relating to power from renewables .

  5. 可持续能源政策研究院负责人tetsunariiida说,日本需要一个“强势而明智的政府”来说服温泉业主和地方社区:地热能行业不会破坏他们的温泉。

    Tetsunari Iida , head of the Institute for sustainable energy policies , says the country needs a " strong and wise government " that can persuade the Onsen owners and local communities that the industry would not spoil their spas .

  6. 我们的第一步是选择一种使用可持续能源的供暖方式。

    Our first step was choosing a sustainable form of heating .

  7. 迈向可持续能源&能源法生态化变革的法理分析

    Studies on the Jurisprudence of Energy Law Reform towards Sustainable Energy

  8. 江苏可持续能源发展战略分析

    A Strategic Analysis of the Sustainable Energy Development in Jiangsu Province

  9. 我们最近谈到了可持续能源的重要性。

    We 've talked recently about the importance of sustainable energy .

  10. 基于投资的可持续能源税收政策决策模型

    A Sustainable Energy Tax Policy Decision Model Based on Investment Willingness Constraint

  11. 石油焦价格低廉,但不属于可持续能源。

    While it 's cheap , it is hardly sustainable .

  12. 中国可持续能源发展情景及其碳排放分析

    Analysis on China s Sustainable Energy Development and Carbon Emission

  13. 我国可持续能源工业发展思考

    Thoughts on sustainable development of the energy industry in China

  14. 下一步,我们需要一种使用可持续能源的出行方式。

    Next we needed a more sustainable form of transport .

  15. 我国可持续能源系统发展的途径探讨

    Windfarms : a new way to sustainable development of energy system in China

  16. 我们欢迎在中国建立亚太经合组织可持续能源中心。

    We welcome the establishment of the APEC Sustainable Energy Center in China .

  17. 实施可持续能源发展战略促进广东经济可持续发展

    Implement Sustainable Energy Development Strategy , and Facilitate Sustainable Economic Development in Guangdong

  18. 向可持续能源体系的过渡,是一项关键但耗时长久的任务。

    The shift to sustainable energy systems is a vital but long-term task .

  19. 中国实现可持续能源供应的战略选择

    Strategy options for sustainable energy supply in China

  20. 创造一个可持续能源未来商业理事会

    Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future

  21. 可持续能源占了2007年全世界所有新发电能力的1/5。

    Sustainable energy accounted for a fifth of all new power generation capacity worldwide in2007 .

  22. 如果保持经济的长期增长和繁荣,就必须发展可持续能源。

    Affordable energy must be available to allow economic growth and prosperity in the long-term .

  23. 西部可持续能源开发利用模型

    Sustainable energy development model for western China

  24. 在辞职之前,菅先生还希望能通过一项促进发展可持续能源的议案。

    Before quitting , Mr Kan also hopes to pass a bill to promote renewable energy .

  25. 越南的可持续能源网络

    Sustainable Energy Network in Vietnam

  26. 并对可持续能源发展战略的目标、原则及总体战略作了探讨。

    Then the objective , the principle and the overall strategy of the sustainable energy development are discussed .

  27. 为了步入可持续能源轨道,一个主要障碍是如何为未来20年每年所需要净投入的800亿美元追加投资调动资金。

    An estimated $ 80 billion a year of net additional investment is needed over the next two decades .

  28. 泰国总理沙玛敦促与会代表推动改革,确保有利于环境的可持续能源供应。

    Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej urged the delegates to push for reforms that ensure environmentally sustainable energy supplies .

  29. 风力发电作为一种可持续能源的产生方式,已经成为当今重要的发电形式。

    As a sustainable development of new energy , wind power generation has caused more and more concern recently .

  30. 2017年6月中旬至9月中旬,阿斯塔纳将会举办以可持续能源为主题的世界博览会。

    From mid-June to mid-September 2017 , Astana will host the World Expo on the subject of sustainable energy .