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kě shì
  • however;only;yet;really;in fact;the fact is;whether;whether or not;nevertheless;indeed;truly;but;if;or
可是 [kě shì]
  • (1) [but]--连接分句、句子或段落,表示转折关系,常和前面的虽然相呼应;先由虽然引出一层意思,后用可是一转,引出相反或不一致的意思。相当于但是

  • 他虽然有病,可是仍继续工作

  • (2) [yet;however;nevertheless]∶然而

  • 可是他错了

  • (3) [really;truly;indeed]∶真是;实在是

  • 要论人家姚大叔,老成持重,又有骨气,可是百里挑一。-- 杨朔《三千里江山》

  • (4) [in fact;the fact is]∶却是

  • 现在可是换了一个说法了

  • (5) [whether;whether or not;if]∶是否

  • [青蝇]却从鼻尖跑下,又用冷舌头来舐我的嘴唇了,不知道可是表示亲爱。--鲁迅《野草》

  • (6) [or]∶还是

  • 你这鱼是卖的,可是博的?--元. 李文蔚《燕青博鱼》

可是[kě shì]
  1. 我敲了门,可是没有回应。

    I knocked on the door but there was no response .

  2. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去,可是没有扑到。

    The goalie dived for the ball , but missed it .

  3. 咱们讲的可是工作三个小时酬金500英镑。

    We 're talking £ 500 for three hours ' work .

  4. 我是想要道歉,可是话一出口却变了味儿。

    I was trying to apologize but it came out wrong .

  5. 她可是个精明的人,想要什么就能得到什么。

    She 's a past master at getting what she wants .

  6. 这可是我第一次听说这件事!

    This is the first I 've heard of it !

  7. 我给你打电话了,可是怎么也打不通。

    I tried to call you but I couldn 't get through .

  8. 她想当演员,可是她父母不同意。

    She wants to be an actress , but her parents disapprove .

  9. 他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他!

    He said I kicked him , but I never touched him !

  10. 你说得头头是道,可是你做得到吗?

    You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk ?

  11. 这可是个野餐的好地方。

    This would be a good place for a picnic .

  12. 能让她同意那笔交易可是个不小的成就。

    It was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal .

  13. “可是,可是…你不能啊!”她急促而慌乱地说。

    ' But , but … you can 't ! ' she spluttered .

  14. 我们就此事讨论了一上午,可是毫无进展。

    We discussed it all morning but got nowhere .

  15. 我愿意出1000元,这可是最大限度了。

    I 'll go to $ 1 000 but that 's my limit .

  16. 这对她可是千载难逢的机会呀。

    This will be a marvellous opportunity for her .

  17. 她现在好了,可是她曾一度病危。

    She 's fine now , but it was touch-and-go for a while .

  18. 她苦苦哀求,可是他仍无动于衷。

    She pleaded with him but he remained unmoved .

  19. 他确实是个天才,可是难以用语言表达他的思想。

    He 's a real genius but he has difficulty verbalizing his ideas .

  20. 我知道你很忙,可是你能不能参加明天的会议?

    I know you 're pushed , but can you make tomorrow 's meeting ?

  21. 当你每周就靠100元维持生活时,20元可是个大数目。

    $ 20 means a lot when you live on $ 100 a week .

  22. 她自称是18岁,可是我知道她才16。

    She claimed to be 18 , when I know she 's only 16 .

  23. 我提议分担费用,可是他不同意。

    I suggested sharing the cost , but he wasn 't having any of it .

  24. 谁都以为他坚持不到15个回合,可是他却打完了全场。

    Nobody thought he would last 15 rounds , but he went the full distance .

  25. 是的,我知道那是个事故,可是这无关紧要。

    Yes , I know it was an accident , but that 's beside the point .

  26. 她可是个大美人啊。

    She 's quite a beauty .

  27. 我仔细找过了,可是找不着。

    I 've had a good look for it , but I can 't find it .

  28. 我就站在她身边,可是她理都不理我。

    I was standing right next to her , but she didn 't even acknowledge me .

  29. 那好倒是好,可是他为什么不给她打电话这样说呢?

    That 's all well and good , but why didn 't he call her to say so ?

  30. 我站起来讲话,可是——老天爷呀——我发现自己忘了带讲稿。

    I stood up to speak and ─ horror of horrors ─ realized I had left my notes behind .