
  • 网络Cute kitten
  1. 我那只可爱的小猫很轻松地在门下钻来钻去。

    My lovely cat can get under my door easily .

  2. 昨天下午我妈妈向舅妈要了一只可爱的小猫。

    Yesterday afternoon , my mother got a little cat from my aunt .

  3. 突然,她看到一只可爱的小猫。

    Suddenly , she sees a little cute cat .

  4. 昨晚我那可爱的小猫拖进一只装满鱼的篮子。

    My lovely cat pulled in a basket full of fish last night .

  5. 你怎能那么忍心把这支可爱的小猫淹死?

    How can you have the heart to drown such a darling little kittens ?

  6. 看!多么可爱的小猫啊!

    Look ! What a lovely cat !

  7. 它是一只可爱的小猫。

    It is a lovable kitten .

  8. 像一只可爱的小猫。

    Like a cute little kitty .

  9. 客厅的地毯上有一只可爱的小猫,正在玩球。

    On the living room carpet , there was a cute cat playing with a ball .

  10. 快来看那可爱的小猫

    See the kitten full of fun

  11. 我想到了贝特西和塔比莎,那是我和丈夫养的两只可爱的小猫;

    I thought of Betsy and tabitha , the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me ;

  12. 京晶:那真不妙,你看这只可爱的小猫马克:图片真棒。

    That 's too bad . Look at this cute cat . Mark : That 's a great picture .

  13. 那位美丽的女士总在窗前画画,她那只可爱的小猫在身边玩耍。

    The beautiful lady would practice painting by the window , with her lovely cat playing on the floor .

  14. 有时他得把钻头钻入地下一英里深。我那只可爱的小猫很轻松地在门下钻来钻去。

    Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth . My lovely cat can get under my door easily .

  15. 美国南卡罗来纳州的一名警官因救助了一只可爱的小猫并带它一起巡逻而成为网红。

    A South Carolina police officer has become an Internet sensation for rescuing an adorable kitten that he now takes on patrol with him .

  16. 在这一点上,我们可以仔细观察一下可爱的小猫小狗们,学习它们睡醒后全身舒展地伸懒腰、打哈欠。

    On this , we can observe lovely kitten doggie carefully people , after they wake up , study extends ground stretch oneself , gape all over .

  17. 我一无所有,我只有一只可爱的小猫。随后,德拉活像一只被烫伤的小猫跳了起来,叫道,“喔!喔!”

    I have nothing I have only a lovely cat to my name . And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried , " Oh , oh !"

  18. 我想到了贝特西和塔比莎,那是我和丈夫养的两只可爱的小猫;还有贝思,那只喜欢逮飞碟的顽皮小狗。

    I thought of Betsy and Tabitha , the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me ; of Ben , the playful mutt who loved to catch Frisbees .