
  • 网络visual simulation;virtual simulation
  1. 基于GIS的混凝土坝施工可视化仿真技术及其应用

    GIS-based Visual Simulation Methodology for Concrete Dam Construction Process and Its Application

  2. 可视化仿真环境也增加了新的功能并修复了一些Bug,比如记录和回放能力、嵌入媒体资源等。

    Visual Simulation Environment has new features and bug fixes like Record and Playback Capability , Embedded Media Resources , and others .

  3. 电力系统可视化仿真软件&PowerWorld

    Visible Emulation Software of Power System & Power World

  4. 基于Agent的铁路集装箱货场系统可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation for Railway Container Yard Based on Agent

  5. 基于GIS的矿井通风网络可视化仿真模拟研究

    Study on Visual Simulation of Mine Ventilation Network Based on GIS

  6. 基于GIS的大坝施工可视化仿真研究

    Study on Visual Simulation of Dam Construction Based on GIS

  7. Windows环境下电路状态轨迹的可视化仿真

    The Visualized Simulation of Circuit State Tracks under Windows Environment

  8. 基于GIS的工程施工动态可视化仿真

    Dynamic visualized emulation of engineering construction based on GIS

  9. 基于MATLAB的遗传算法可视化仿真系统研究

    Research on the Genetic Algorithm Visualized Simulation System with MATLAB

  10. 基于Openinventor的卫星姿态控制可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of Attitude Control of Satellite Based on Open Inventor

  11. 基于OpenGL的卫星星下点轨迹可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of the Track of Sub-Satellite Point by Using OpenGL

  12. 基于J2EE平台和B/S结构的地矿工程三维可视化仿真技术

    3D visualization techniques for geological and mining systems based on J2EE and B / S

  13. 应用MicroSimEval6.2软件,在Windows环境下,对电路的状态轨迹进行可视化仿真。

    This paper discusses the visualized simulation of circuit state tracks in Windows environment by applying MicroSim Eval 6.2 software .

  14. 利用MATLAB求解仿真模型,根据程序设计结构编制仿真程序,得到气缸动特性参数随时间变化的可视化仿真结果。

    After resolving the simulation model by MATLAB , the cylinder dynamic performance parameter based on time is obtained ;

  15. 将可视化仿真技术应用于CAI,使学生在学习中达到理解知识与感官感受的完美结合,并将CAI中学习掌握的知识用于电子技术的应用研究中。

    The application of visualized simulation technology will help students understand their knowledge and learn easily .

  16. 基于UG三维可视化仿真的建筑施工全程虚拟

    Whole process virtualization of construction based on 3D visualized simulation

  17. 利用OpenGL实现卫星系统可视化仿真模型的研究

    Study on Visualization Simulation of Satellite System with OpenGL

  18. 基于OpenGL的冷轧轧制过程可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of Cold Rolling Process Based on OpenGL

  19. 基于OpenGL的翅片管式换热器可视化仿真方法

    Visualized Simulation of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Based on OpenGL

  20. 基于OpenGL的捷联惯导系统可视化仿真实现

    The Realizing of Visualized Simulation Based on OpenGL in Strapdown Inertial Navigation System

  21. 基于OpenGL的卫星覆盖可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of the Satellite Cover by Using OpenGL

  22. 采用Agent技术作为系统设计手段,提出了一种用于可视化仿真系统的Agent结构,并建立了基于Agent的系统设计流程。

    Agent technology is adopted in the system design . The architecture of agent and process of the system design are presented based on agent technology .

  23. 基于OpenGL的三维浅水海浪可视化仿真

    Simulation of 3D Shallow Waves Based on OpenGL

  24. 根据探空火箭可视化仿真及协同设计系统的目标,进行了需求分析。进而设计了基于HLA的可扩展的系统体系结构。

    Based on the needs analysis , scalable system architecture based on HLA was then designed .

  25. 卫星工具包(satellitetoolkit,STK)被广泛应用于针对航天任务的可视化仿真系统中。

    Satellite Tool Kit ( STK ) is widely used in the visualization simulation system for space mission .

  26. OpenGL在弹射救生过程可视化仿真中的应用

    Application of OpenGL in Ejection Process Visualization

  27. 基于GPU的地球大气散射现象可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of Atmospheric Scattering on Earth Based on GPU

  28. 基于Vega的常规导弹三维可视化仿真系统研究

    Research on Conventional Missile 3-D Virtual Simulation System Based on Vega

  29. 为了便于可视化仿真开发、模型组织和维护修改,提出了一种基于统一建模语言(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage,简称UML)的可视化仿真方法。

    In order to develop visual simulation , model , maintenance and correction , a visual simulation approach based on unified modeling language ( UML ) was proposed .

  30. 最后,利用基于Delphi的OpenGL实现了对水面船的实时可视化仿真、人机交互。

    Finally , immediate visible simulation and communication between human and ship have been realized applying OpenGL of Delphi .