
  • 网络fitted model;Fit model;Fitting model;fitting a model
  1. 推导出提捞采油的经济极限产量、含水公式、动液面拟合模型、供液能力和捞油产量拟合模型。

    Economic production rate limit of bailing recovery and containing water formula have been given . Dynamic liquid level fitted model , feed flow ability and bailing recovery production rate fitted model are also given in this thesis .

  2. 实现复杂填充图案定制的多边形拟合模型

    Polygon fitted model for complex filled patterns customization

  3. GPS高程拟合模型误差的最小二乘配置补偿

    Compensation of Least Square Collocation in GPS Elevation Fitting Model Errors

  4. 大范围GPS水准拟合模型的选取及其实验研究

    Large-scale GPS Leveling Fitting Model Choice and its Experiment Study

  5. GPS水准拟合模型的选取与模型误差的补偿

    The selection of GPS level fitting models and expiation of models error

  6. GPS水准高程拟合模型的实践和探讨

    The Practice and Exploration on GPS Beach Level Imitated Model

  7. 大范围GPS水准拟合模型误差的平差补偿

    The Compensation with Adjustment for Model Error in the Large-scale GPS Leveling Fitting

  8. GPS水准高程拟合模型在线状工程中的研究及应用

    The research and application of GPS level height fitting models in linear project

  9. 基于程序化的GPS水准拟合模型研究

    Research on GPS Leveling Fitting Based on the Programme

  10. GPS水准多项式曲面拟合模型的优选实验研究

    Research on the Optimum Experiment based on the GPS Leveling Polynomial Surface Fitting Model

  11. GPS水准拟合模型的优选

    Optimal Selection of Fitting Model for GPS Leveling

  12. GPS水准拟合模型的选取与精度估计

    Choice for fitting-model and accuracy estimating in GPS-leveling

  13. 两种常用的GPS高程拟合模型拟合精度研究

    Research on the Altitude Precision of Two Common Models for the GPS Height Fitting

  14. GPS高程拟合模型确定

    GPS elevation of simulated model is determined

  15. GPS高程拟合模型的优选

    Optimizing model for GPS height fitting

  16. 用n次多项式与基于正交函数的最小二乘拟合法,分别建立多点拟合模型。

    The multi point-fitting criterion models were built respectively with n-times polynomials and least squares fitting criterion based on orthogonal function .

  17. 以实测动力特性参数为依据,应用ANSYS拟合模型参数的建模方法。

    The modelling method of applying ANSYS to match model parameter according to the testing data .

  18. 本文以PID控制能实现的最小方差为基准,当被控过程模型未知,通过对正常运行数据拟合模型,再估计PID能实现的最小方差及其相应的PID控制器参数。

    When the process model is unknown , estimate the PID-achievable minimum variance and corresponding parameters by routine closed-loop operation data .

  19. 首先建立GM(1,1)灰色动态拟合模型,并以此作为公路货运量发展变化的动态基准线模型;

    Firstly , a GM ( 1,1 ) is built to get the dynamic baseline for highway freight development .

  20. 建立GPS高程多面函数拟合模型,其平滑因子是否合适,对GPS水准高程测量精度将产生重要影响。

    Whether the smooth factor of the multiquadric function fit model are built properly has great effects on the elevation precision of GPS leveling .

  21. 移动曲面模型具有连续性函数模型和离散性函数模型的双重特征,是GPS高程拟合模型中一个比较有应用优势的模型。

    As an well-applied model among GPS height models , moving surface model has both characteristices about continuous functional model and discrete functional model .

  22. 采用Logistic回归分析外来未婚女工生婚前性行为和避孕行为的生态学相关因素并拟合模型。

    Logistic regression was used to analyze ecological factors associated with sexual behavior and contraceptive behavior for the purpose of confounding control .

  23. 提出了基于等高线回放算法的多尺度DEM的精度评估方法,通过实验,建立了基于不同插值方法的多尺度DEM精度拟合模型。

    An approach to evaluate the accuracy of multi-scale DEM based on contour reconstruction algorithm is put forward .

  24. 文中通过一个大测区GPS水准实测数据,说明拟合模型优选准则的应用以及具体分析方法。

    Through using actual GPS leveling fitting data in a large-scale area , it introduces the application of optimum function model choice and the related analysis method .

  25. 基于VRP方法的上交所国债利率期限结构拟合模型

    VRP fitting model for the term structure of SSE T-bonds

  26. 利用Excel建立曲线拟合模型的方法,可以灵活地解决矿物加工工程中遇到数学建模和应用的问题。

    This paper introduces the method and gives the examples of distribution curves for establishing curve simulation model using Excel 's programming with solver .

  27. 大范围GPS水准拟合模型,必然存在模型误差,考虑模型误差,如何选取GPS水准的拟合模型是本文讨论的主题。

    Model errors are inevitably existed in a large-scale GPS leveling fitting model . This paper mainly deals with such model errors and on how to choose the fitting function model of GPS level .

  28. 围绕着如何对已收集的偏差量数据进行建模的问题,提出了采用混合Gauss分布作为偏差量的通用拟合模型。

    Revolved around the problem of how to model the collected data of deviation , the method that using mixed Gauss distribution to fit experiment data was proposed .

  29. 该文应用聚类分析原理对样本数据进行自身特性分析,然后对其自然分组,在此基础上建立多个BP神经网络拟合模型。

    In this paper , the sample data is grouped according to its distribution rule based on clustering analysis firstly , and then , the NN fitting model is developed for every last sample data grouping .

  30. 本文通过1992~2002年税收数据拟合模型,分别得到我国经济增长最大化时,最优的流转税、所得税占GDP的比率,并得出目前的税改重点应为增大所得税的比率的结论。

    This paper pointes out the optimal proportion of turnover tax and income tax rate in the GDP with maximum economic growth , and as a result the tax reform should increase the income tax rate .