
kě nì xìng
  • reversibility;invertibility;reciprocity
可逆性[kě nì xìng]
  1. 水凝胶具有一定的pH可逆性。

    The hydrogel had pH reversibility .

  2. 用循环伏安法考察了聚(N-甲基)苯胺电极反应可逆性;

    The reversibility of the electrode reaction of poly ( N methyl ) aniline was inspected by cyclic voltammetry .

  3. 她处于医生所说的不可逆性植物人状态已经5年了。

    She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years

  4. 增强MRI评价可逆性血脑屏障开放的可靠性及价值

    Evaluation of the reversible blood brain barrier opening by contrast enhanced MRI

  5. 拟(h,k)存贮有限自动机的可逆性

    Invertibility of finite automata with quasi - ( h , k ) - order memory

  6. 可逆性化学反应结合HPLC测定氨丙基硅胶表面上氨基的含量

    Determination of amino groups immobilized on amino-propyl-silica-gel surfaces by HPLC with reversible chemical reaction

  7. 结论:一定浓度的TNFα对离体心脏具有可逆性负性肌力效应。

    Conclusion : TNF - α take a reversibly negative inotropic effects on isolated perfusing rat hearts .

  8. 当温度超过60°C,即刻引起细胞内蛋白质和脂质双分子层变性,导致细胞不可逆性死亡。

    At temperatures of greater than 60 ° C , there is denaturation of intracellular protein and lipid bilayers , which leads to irreversible cell death .

  9. 丁酸钠对M期同步及非同步的HeLa细胞早G1期阻断的可逆性

    Reversibility of the early g_1 blocking of the asynchronous and m-synchronized HeLa cells treated by n-butyrate

  10. 盐酸多奈哌齐是近年来应用于临床的一种新型可逆性胆碱酯酶抑制剂,用于治疗轻中度AD,国内外报道其具有一定疗效。

    Donepezil is a new reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which is used to treat mild-moderate AD in clinical trials recent years .

  11. Sn基合金熔体结构转变的可逆性研究

    On Reversibility of Liquid Transition in Sn-based Alloys

  12. DN在早期存在可逆性,如能及时诊断并干预治疗,去除不利因素,肾脏病变有可能恢复。

    The DN in early stage is reversible with timely diagnosis and treatment .

  13. 这种吸附模式的差异是导致H酸在不同pH条件下饱和吸附量和吸附不可逆性差异的根本原因,也是导致不同pH条件下H酸具有不同光催化降解途径的重要原因。

    These differences are the fundamental reasons why the adsorption capacity and adsorption irreversibility and hence photo-degradation pathways for H-acid were different under different pH conditions .

  14. 其治疗目标应是挽救可逆性缺血组织&缺血性半暗带(IP),以缩小梗塞范围和改善神经功能。

    The therapeutic target is to salvage potentially reversible ischemic tissue ( ischemic penumbra , IP ) to reduce infarct size and improve neuro muscular function .

  15. 结论:维生素B1缺乏容易引起心肌损害,但具有可逆性,及时治疗后均能恢复正常。

    Conclusions : The heart impairment caused by vitamin B_1 deficiency is recoverable .

  16. 目的探讨CT、MRI在诊断脑后部可逆性脑病综合征(PRES)中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT and MR / in the diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome ( PRES ) .

  17. 目的:探讨可逆性后部脑病综合征(PRES)CT与MRI表现及诊断价值。

    Objective : To study the CT and MRI features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome ( PRES ) and assess their value .

  18. 结论COPD患者气道阻塞具有一定可逆性,但可逆程度明显低于哮喘患者;

    Conclusion The bronchial obstruction in patients with COPD is of certain reversibility , lower than that in patients with asthma .

  19. 该文根据混沌系统中的logistic映射方程,首先构造了一种生成混沌序列的算法,并分析了算法的不可逆性。

    An algorithm for generating chaotic series , which is according to logistic map equation in chaotic system , is firstly constructed . Its non-reversible characteristic is analyzed .

  20. 背景与目的:急性脑梗死(acutecerebralinfarctionACI)又称缺血性脑卒中(cerebralischemicstroke),是指各种原因引起的脑部血液供应障碍使局部发生不可逆性损伤,导致组织缺血、缺氧性坏死。

    Background and object : ACI ( acute cerebral infarction ) or cerebral ischemic stroke refers to irreversible local lesion caused by dysfunction of brain perfusion and successive ischemic-hypoxic necrosis .

  21. 结果显示氧热法电石炉中,部分碳与氧气燃烧生成CO炉气的燃烧反应具有较大的不可逆性,为过程支付了热力学代价。

    The results show that the combustion reaction between partial carbon and oxygen to produce carbon monoxide in the oxy-thermal carbide furnace has great irreversibility and pays most of thermodynamic penalty .

  22. M2组运动神经元损伤较重,多数呈不可逆性坏死表现。

    But in the group M2 the morphological changes of motor neurons were severe ( many of the subjects suffered irreversible necrosis ) .

  23. 目的观察大鼠连续腹腔注射(ip)丹参葡萄糖注射液(salviamiltiorrhizaglucoseinjection,SGI)产生的毒性反应与靶器官损害的可逆性。

    Objective - To investigate the toxicity and the impaired reversibility on target organ after administering ip salvia miltiorrhiza glucose injection ( SGI ) in rats .

  24. 结果:正常肝组织可耐受≤250mg/kg的5-Fu区域灌注,5-Fu剂量为150mg/kg时,肝脏超微结构为可逆性改变。

    The results showed that the normal hepatic tissue could tolerate regional perfusion with no over than 250mg / kg 5 Fu .

  25. 基于Jacobian矩阵的可逆性,研究了该并联机构的正、逆运动学奇异问题。

    Based on the Jacobian matrix , the forward and inverse singular configuration of the manipulator is also studied .

  26. 然而(-)THP可使蓝斑核去甲肾上腺素能神经元出现可逆性放电抑制。

    ( - ) THP induced inhibitory . firing of the neurons , however , irreversible .

  27. 方法:40只Wistar大鼠,随机分为4组。采用大脑中动脉线栓法建立可逆性局灶性脑缺血再灌注模型,电刺激方法检测三叉神经皮层诱发电位的变化。

    Methods : Fourty Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups made the reversible focal cerebral ischemic-preconditioning model by occluding the middle cerebral artery .

  28. 用Hermite排序法所得的矩阵是正定的,这保证了矩阵的可逆性。

    The resultant matrix generated from the Hermite method is positive definite , which guarantees the reversibility of the matrix .

  29. 研究了pH值、NaCl和温度对芦荟凝胶的黏度、溶解度、持水性、pH值、凝固点及耐冷冻性和热可逆性的影响。

    The effects of pH , NaCl and temperature on viscosity , solubility , the water holding , pH value , freezing point , cold resistance and heat reversibility characteristic were studied .

  30. 结论:MMF具有预防和减少肾移植术后近期AR效果,MMF的安全性可靠,副作用轻且为可逆性。

    Conclusions : MMF can prevent and reduce acute renal transplantation rejection and the side effects of MMF are slight and reversible .