
rén běn zhǔ yì
  • humanism
人本主义[rén běn zhǔ yì]
  1. 二是“人本主义”是“年轻风貌”与“后现代主义”思潮二者兼备的核心内容。

    " Humanism " is the core of the two aspects .

  2. 古希腊哲学中就有人本主义的萌芽;

    There was the rudiment of humanism in ancient Greek philosophy ;

  3. 宗教价值观常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。

    Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals .

  4. 论人本主义学习理论言语联想学习浅论

    On humanist learning theories The Elementary Discussion of Language Association Study

  5. 浅析《荷马史诗》中朴素的人本主义思想倾向

    On the Tendency of Simple Humanistic Thought in Homer 's Epic

  6. 从精神分析到人本主义的转变忧国忧民、彻底革命;

    A transition from psychoanalysis to humanistic psychology thoroughgoing revolutionary spirit ;

  7. 现象理论:本质主义与人本主义的困境与出路

    Phenomenological Theories : Problems and the Outlet of Essentialism and Humanism

  8. 人本主义心理学教学观指导下的课堂教学改革探讨

    On the Classroom Teaching Reform in the View of Humanism Psychology

  9. 试论人本主义心理学的教育思想及其当代价值

    The Education Thoughts of Humanism Psychology and Their Contemporary Value

  10. 从人本主义出发提高住宅建设质量

    Improving the Constructing Quality of Residential Buildings according to Humanism

  11. 人本主义学习论对素质教育的启示

    The Instructive Value of Humanistic Learning Theory for Quality-oriented Education

  12. 科学主义、人本主义与西方教育管理学研究

    Scientism , Humanism and the Study of Western Educational Administration

  13. 浅谈孔子学习动机理论的人本主义取向

    Opinions on Humanism Orientation of the Theory of Confucius 's Learning Motive

  14. 从人本主义人格理论看大学生健康人格教育

    Thoughts about Education on Undergraduate 's Healthy Personality form Humanistic Personality Theory

  15. 现代远程教育与人本主义学习理论的相通处分析

    Something in Common between Modern Distance Education and the Humanism Learning Theory

  16. 人本主义者不相信来世和永生。

    Humanists do not believe in an afterlife or immortality .

  17. 广西多科性院校的人本主义教师管理制度初探

    People-oriented Teacher Managerial System of the Multidisciplinary Universities in Guangxi

  18. 人本主义学习观与当代教学观之比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Theory of Humanistic Learning and Modern Teaching

  19. 人本主义发展观的理论基础和内涵

    The Theoretical Basis and Implication of the Humanistic Development View

  20. 人本主义教育理论对情感教学的启示

    The Inspiration of the Theory of Humanism to Affective Teaching

  21. 用人本主义方法培养第二语言自我

    Developing the Second Language Ego with a Humanistic Approach

  22. 信息化时代的人本主义设计理念

    The Humanistic Designing Ideas at the Age of Information

  23. 他的人本主义美学观也体现在他的艺术意识上。

    His humanistic aesthetics embodies his consciousness of art .

  24. 本研究依据的理论基础有建构主义、人本主义学习理论。

    The base of this research is the theory of Constructivism and Humanism .

  25. 论古希腊文化的人本主义

    A Study of the Humanism in Ancient Greek Culture

  26. 马克思的新人本主义也就是生存(实践)论人本主义。

    Marx 's new humanism also is the existence ( practice ) humanism .

  27. 由此戈德曼成为从人本主义总体性向结构主义总体性过渡环节。

    Thus Goldman became the transition link from humanistic totality to structuralism totality .

  28. 协作学习理论主要建立在人本主义学习理论和建构主义学习理论基础之上。

    The theory of collaborative learning is mainly based on constructivism and humanism .

  29. 马斯洛人本主义教育思想与我国高校德育

    Maslow Humanist Education Thought and Chinese University Moral Education

  30. 马斯洛人本主义教育功能观述评&兼谈对我国当今教育功能研究的启示

    The Commentary of Maslow 's Humanistic Educational Function View