
rén kǒu zhì liànɡ
  • population quality
  1. 以生命素质指数PQLI(PhysicalQualityofLifeIndex)作为分析人口质量的指标。

    The physical quality of life index ( PQLI ) was used as analyzing population quality .

  2. 浅析影响青海省人口质量的若干因素

    The simple talking about factors influencing the population quality in Qinghai province

  3. 在广大农村地区,应该积极开展围孕期保健,提高出生人口质量。

    Needs investigation on pregnancy health care services in clinics and its strategies ;

  4. 主要论及先秦人口质量和对人口质量产生影响的各种因素。

    The population quality of the Pre-Qin period and various factors are involved .

  5. 提高人口质量,构建和谐社会

    Improving Population Quality to Build a Harmonious Society

  6. 人口质量的提高是德、智、体全面的提高和全民的提高;

    The improvement on population quality is an overall improvement of the whole nation ;

  7. 人口质量的经济学特征与中国人力资本积累研究

    The Economic Characteristics of Population Quality and The Accumulation of Human Capital in China

  8. 人口质量理论对人力资源内涵有深刻揭示。

    The theory of population quality has made deep revelation to the connotation of manpower .

  9. 提高人口质量,科教兴国;

    To improve the population quality and to prosper the nation with science and education ;

  10. 人口质量显著改变,但人口文化结构依然落后。

    The population quantity is obviously changeable , but population culture construction is behind still .

  11. 人口质量的动态表现形式

    A Dynamic Expression of Population Quality

  12. 儿童是国家的未来,是国家人口质量和社会发展的关键。

    Children are the future of nation and the key to population quality and social development .

  13. 高中阶段教育成为我国人口质量问题的瓶颈,职业教育表面上轰轰烈烈事实上履步维艰;

    The education in the phase of high school has bottlenecked the improvement of population quality .

  14. 人口质量与经济发展

    Quality of Population and Economic Development

  15. 因此,要把提高人口质量作为头等重要的人口政策。

    Therefore , we should improve the quality of the nationality as the most important population policy .

  16. 在中国,人口质量投资资金的来源和投资决策很大程度上与家庭相联系。

    In China , the investment in population quality and its decision are closely related with families .

  17. 提高人口质量是防止艾滋病泛滥的有效途径

    It is the effective way of preventing AIDS from overflowing to improve the quality of the people

  18. 提高人口质量的若干思考

    Thinking on improving population quality

  19. 结论伤害是影响甘肃省居民健康和劳动力人口质量的主要疾病,是一个严重的公共卫生问题。

    Conclusions Injury is a serious public health problem that affects people 's health and laborer 's quality .

  20. 从经济角度看,人口质量比人口数量更重要。

    From an economic point of view , its quality is more important than quantity of the population .

  21. 产前筛查有助于降低缺陷儿出生,提高出生人口质量。

    Prenatal Screening can be helpful to lower birth defect and improve the quality of the new born .

  22. 如今社会很重视人口质量,产前亲子鉴定却与其背道而驰。

    Today , the community attaches great importance to people 's quality , pre-natal paternity testing is its opposite .

  23. 马克思人口质量理论是马克思人口理论的核心内容,其实质是实现无产阶级的解放以及全人类自由全面发展的理论。

    Its essence is the theory to realize the liberation of the proletariat and all mankind free all-round development .

  24. 人口质量主要论及先秦人口寿命、身高和职业技术水平三个方面。

    The population quality here is including three aspects as life span , height and the level of occupation technique .

  25. 以分析人口质量与经济发展之间的辩证关系为基础,提出了大力提高人口质量的必要性和所应采取的措施。

    The necessity and measures of improving population quality was proposed by analyzing the relationship between population quality and economy development .

  26. 从分层模型视角看出生人口质量的影响因素&以江苏省无锡市为例

    Analyzing Factors Influencing the Quality of New-born Population on the Perspective of Hierarchical Linear Model : the Case of Wuxi City

  27. 注重人口质量是马寅初人口思想对马尔萨斯人口论的实质性超越。

    Emphasizing on the quality of population , Ma Yin chu 's thought of population essentially surpasses the Malthusian population theory .

  28. 马寅初关于人口质量的观点主要体现于:人口质量与人口数量是对立的统一;

    Ma Yin chu 's point of view mainly maintains that : population quality and population quantity is a unity of opposites ;

  29. 第三部分论证了文化贫困对西部社会发展的影响,主要从生活方式、价值观念、人口质量、科技教育、文化事业发展水平等几方面论证。

    It was discussed mainly from many aspects such as lifestyles , values , population quality , science and technology and so on .

  30. 要实现我国人口质量构成系统由宝塔型向橄榄型转变,一要普及社会性养老保障;二要实行强制性九年或十二年义务教育制;

    Countermeasures about transformation from the Pagoda type to Olive type as to the population quality formation system of China are presented in the paper .