
  • 网络global problem;global issue
  1. 我们要加强地区热点和全球性问题上的协调。

    We should strengthen coordination on regional hot-spot and global issues .

  2. 水环境污染与水体富营养化已成为备受瞩目的全球性问题。

    Water pollution and eutrophication have become high-profile global issues .

  3. 政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。

    The Government has got to get a grip . Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn 't good enough .

  4. 目的:乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染是个全球性问题,我国是公认的乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染高流行区。

    Objective : Hepatitis B Virus ( HBV ) infection is a global problem , and our country is recognized as one of the Hepatitis B Virus infection highly popular area .

  5. EXXON旋回图的全球性问题在理论上不成立,在实践中也发现有例外。

    It has been pointed out that the GLOBAL CYCLE CHART OF EXXON is inadequate for a correlation standard of global stratigraphy because of its unreliable theoretical basis and exceptions that have been found in practice .

  6. IASP希望通过呼吁对这一全球性问题的关注,赋予女性发言权,以此作为减轻全球女性所承受疼痛的第一步。

    IASP hopes to provide a voice to these women by drawing attention to this global issue as a first step towards reducing pain and suffering of women around the world .

  7. 全球性问题的出现加速了第二轨道的兴起;

    The global problems have accelerated the emergence of Track-Two Diplomacy ;

  8. 有关污染,这是个全球性问题。

    On the subject of pollution , it 's a global problem .

  9. 我们都知道,政府在解决全球性问题方面起着至关重要的作用。

    We both know that governments are essential to solving global problems .

  10. 气候变化是当前国际社会普遍关注的重大全球性问题,发展中国家为减缓及适应气候变化做出了很大的努力。

    Climate change is a global issue commonly focused by international community .

  11. 全球性问题是具有全局性、战略性的重大问题。

    The issues of globality are the ones with overall and strategic importance .

  12. 艾滋病已逐渐成为当前迫切需要解决的全球性问题。

    AIDS is becoming a global problem that needs to be urgently resolved .

  13. 少女怀孕已成为全球性问题。

    Teenage pregnancy itself has become a global issue .

  14. 经济发展是解决全球性问题的重要基础。

    Economic development constitutes an important basis for the resolution of global issues .

  15. 面对这些全球性问题,人类发出增长极限的叹息。

    Affronting these global problems , people groan that is the increasing limit .

  16. 近年来,腐败问题成了全球性问题。

    Recently , corruption has become an international problem .

  17. 景观尺度上全球性问题的研究

    Study of Global Problems on the Scale of Landscape

  18. 我们认为全球性问题要拿出全球性解决方案。

    We believe that global problems require global solutions .

  19. 环境问题已成为现实的全球性问题之一。

    The environmental matter has become one of the realistic matters of globality .

  20. 女孩教育是一个需要提出全球解决方案的全球性问题。

    Girls ' education is a global issue that requires a global solution .

  21. 全球性问题与21世纪国际教育

    Global Problems and the 21st Century International Education

  22. 土壤养分胁迫是全球性问题。

    Soil nutrition stress is a worldwide problem .

  23. 饥饿问题不仅是一个全球性问题,而且是一个世界政治问题。

    Hunger is not only a global problem but also a world political problem .

  24. 慢性乙型肝炎是全球性问题。

    Chronic hepatitis B is a global problem .

  25. 汤因比视阈中的全球化与全球性问题

    Globalization and Global Problems in Toynbee 's Vision

  26. 但是气候变化是全球性问题,其弊大于利。

    But Climate Change is a global issue .

  27. 本文指出全球性问题日益凸现,它呼唤价值理性,并阐释了价值理性的内涵和本质。

    This paper gives an explanation of the connotation and essence of value logos .

  28. 粮食安全是一个谁也不敢忽视的全球性问题。

    Food security is a global issue that no one can afford to ignore .

  29. 全球性问题研究的反思

    Ponderation on the Research of Global Problems

  30. 环境恶化是当今国际社会普遍关注的全球性问题。

    Environmental degradation is a global issue of common concern to the international community today .