
tái bù
  • Step;the gait of an actor or actress in Beijing opera, etc;gait of an actor or actress in Chinese operas
台步 [tái bù]
  • [gait of an actor or actress in Chinese operas] 戏曲演员在舞台上表演时所走的步法

台步[tái bù]
  1. 梅兰芳的台步非常优美。

    Mei lanfang 's stage walk was very graceful .

  2. 采用单台PC机,代替3个CPU控制3台步进电机。

    Specifically , a single PC in place of 3 CPUs is employed to control 3 step-motors ;

  3. 同时,采用PLC控制两台步进电机驱动工件实现自动进给,使其成为一台适用于轴类零件中心孔和端面加工的专用机床。

    PLC controls the two stepping motors to drive workpieces double feed , an idles old common lathe is refit into a special equipment to process end face and center hole by using numerical controlled technique .

  4. 由工控微机自动控制,由一块两轴PCI专用控制卡MPC02控制两台步进电机;

    It is automatically controlled by an industrial micro-computer , with two sets of step motor controlled by a PCI special control MPC02 card with dual shafts ;

  5. 跟踪部分采用了减速机构以实现较小功率电机驱动跟踪装置,步进电机驱动采用的是SH-203A细分驱动器,有两台步进电机分别实现方位角和高度角的跟踪。

    The tracking part of the reduction gear in order to achieve a small power motor-driven tracking device , stepper motor driver is subdivided drive SH-203A , two stepper motors , respectively , the azimuth and elevation tracking .

  6. 单片机控制两台步进电动机的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization Based on Microprocessor Controlling Two Stepping Motors

  7. 微计算机控制五台步进电机运转

    The Microcomputer Control of Five Stepper Motors

  8. 每周胥添麒还会进行四天的形体训练,在宿舍楼顶练习走台步。

    He also did body building four days a week and practiced walking on the dormitory roof .

  9. 由于微机的并行口只有一个,只能直接控制一台步进电机。

    Because PC has only one parallel interface , it can directly control only one stepping motor .

  10. 模特们在练习台步时,要顶一本书在头上,以“保持仪态端正”。

    Models practised walking down a catwalk with a book on their head to ' give good carriage ' .

  11. 通过控制四台步进电机的输入,实现了球形机器人到达指定的目标点的控制目标。

    The spherical robot can reach any arbitrary appointed destination by controlling the inputs of the four stepper motors .

  12. 朱利安·麦克唐纳德以名模和台步赢得了一大群粉丝的家乡欢迎。

    Fashion designer Julien Macdonald swapped famous models and the catwalk for a hometown welcome from crowds of fans .

  13. 封面女郎广告,意大利窝狗和台步,你最爱哪个?

    Of the Covergirl commercial , Vogue Italia shoot and runway show , which did you enjoy the most ?

  14. 由于实际工作和生产的需要,为提高效率需要控制多台步进电机同步工作,如何在确保稳定性的前提下提高设备的工作效率,已得到广泛关注。

    Due to the actual work and production , it needs to control the stepper motors synchronously to improve the efficiency .

  15. 在武汉钢铁公司热轧带钢厂一台步进式加热炉上安装了一套三维温度场可视化监测系统。

    An experimental visualization of three-dimensional temperature field was performed in walk beam furnace of hot-strip factory in Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation .

  16. 下个月,她将在吉尼斯世界纪录认证官员面前走台步,看看自己能否获得一个吉尼斯世界纪录的头衔。

    Next month , she 'll go before Guinness World Records officials to see how she sizes up for a Guinness world record title .

  17. 他曾在哈尔滨的一家培训学校训练了3个月的时间,在那里他学会了台步、站姿甚至还有舞蹈。

    He once attended a training school in Harbin for three months , where he learned how to walk , stand and even dance .

  18. 系统能对脉冲信号的频率、占空比、总个数三个参数进行设置,从而驱动4台步进电机联动。

    System can control pulse signals through setting frequency , duty cycle and number . Pulse signals driver the linkage motion of 4 stepper motors .

  19. 下一周,同样的选手再次回到舞台,展示新的腔调、新的外形、新的台步和新的态度,为的只是取悦他们的批评者。

    The following week the same contestants return with new accents , new jaw lines , new walks and new attitudes just to please their critics .

  20. 通过程序设计对两台步进电机的转速和旋转方向进行控制,并且通过实际测量的波形信号检测了程序的控制精度;

    Speed and rotation direction of two stepper motor are controlled through procedures designed , and accuracy of the procedures control is detected by the waveform measurements .

  21. 殷说,最让她高兴的是,训练内容包括练瑜珈和走台步,非常紧张,但她还是坚持下来了。

    Ying said she was most happy that she had continued throughout the busy schedule of training that included yoga practice and strut walks on the stage .

  22. 该控制器可同时控制多台步进电机按曲线方式运行,包括加减速、定位及换向功能等。

    The controller can control many step-motor systems in the meantime , and made motor run in multi-curve including speed-up , speed-down , orientation and direction 's change .

  23. 以某轧钢厂的一台步进梁式加热炉为例,计算了钢坯表面热流沿炉长方向的分布,并反算求解总括热吸收率。

    The heat flux to slab surface of a walking beam reheating furnace along length of the furnace is computed , and total heat exchange factor is also calculated .

  24. 2009年,她有史位在维多利亚的秘密时装秀中走台步的东亚模特,而且她连续标志性内衣店时装秀上的固定模特。

    In2009 , she became the first-ever East Asian model to walk in a Victoria 's Secret fashion show and she continues to be a fixture in the iconic lingerie store 's shows .

  25. 轮到夏绿蒂的模特儿上台走台步时,她像树叶般频频发抖。“要是没人喜欢我的点子,那该如何是好?”她心想。

    When it was time for Charity 's models to go on stage , she was shaking like a leaf , " What if no one likes my ideas ? " she thought .

  26. 在很多应用场合中,要求多台步进电机在运行目标距离不同的情况下,能同时启动、加速、高速、减速、制动停止。

    In many applications , under the circumstances of different target distances , more than one step motor are required to start , accelerate , high speed , decelerate , brake to stop simultaneously .

  27. 通过载荷计算和各方面性能需求的分析,对传动系统的驱动电机进行了选取,确定由两台步进电机和一台减速电机组成,分别实现驱动水平、垂直和自转运动。

    The motor-driven of drive system is selected by load calculation and analysis of requirements of various parameters . It needs two step motors and one deceleration motor to drive on the level , vertical and rotation movement respectively .

  28. 随着对各种机械性能和产品质量要求的逐渐提高,许多控制领域需要对多台步进电机进行同步协调控制,如军事、航空、机器人控制等。

    Because of the high demand for mechanism performance and product quality , more stepping motors need to be controlled and run in phase in many control fields , such as military affairs , avigation , robot control and so forth .