
wēi fú
  • incognito;in plain clothes; wear casual clothes— in disguise
微服 [wēi fú]
  • [(of officials) wear plain-clothes] 帝王或高官为隐蔽身分而改穿的平民便服;服装

  • 孔子不悦于 鲁卫,遭 宋恒司马将要而杀之,微服而行。--《孟子.万章》

  • 齐恒公微服以巡民家。--《韩非子.外储说》

  • 微服私访

  1. 据史籍记载,汉成帝微服出游,在其姐姐家遇到一绝代佳人,乃咸阳赵飞燕。

    According to historical records , EMPEROR travel incognito , in his sister met a peerless beauty , is Xianyang mermaid .

  2. 当时乾隆皇帝要在全国微服出访,他告诉自己的仆人不得透露自己的身份。

    Servants were told not to reveal their master 's identity .

  3. 无论在中国古代还是当下,微服私访现象都较为常见。

    Weifu Sifang was popular not only in ancient but in modern China .

  4. 当官的应该经常微服私访,了解民情。

    Officials should often wear plain clothes to experience and get to know public life .

  5. 简而言之,他看起来就像一个微服私访的中国皇帝。

    In short , he looked like a travelling official in the service of the Chinese Emperor .

  6. 同时,聘请监督员,微服探察,适时进行监管。

    At the same time , retaining supervisors , ascertaining incognito , and supervising in time are needed .

  7. 谈到食物安全,孙耀威爆出老窦经常「微服」充当食客,监察食肆卫生。

    When we talked about food safety , Eric disclosed that his father always pretended to be a customer inspecting the hygienic conditions of restaurants .

  8. 可怜的孩子,我来拯救你们了。不过听说康熙、乾隆都微服私访,而且效果不错,我也要试试。

    My poor children , I will save you . however , the Empire Kangxi and Qianlong will enjoy the private visit , and as well , I will try it .

  9. 提示:微服网发布或刊载本内容,并不代表同意其观点与立场,仅供您参考,请选择性阅览!

    Hint : the tiny a net announces or publishes this contents , and do not represent to agree its standpoint and position , provide only you consults , asking selectivity to read !

  10. 微服网独家发布,仅供参考,内容禁止复制、转载、镜像或作其它用途!

    The tiny a net is exclusive to announce , provides to consult only , prohibition against replication in contents , turn to carry , the Mirror resembles or makes the other use !

  11. 伴随着新闻改革的深化,新闻从业者主体意识的觉醒、民众的需要和社会承受能力的加强,这种颇具中国式微服私访文化色彩的采访方式有了很好的传播效果和市场。

    With the news reform deepening , the conscience of the news involved , public needs and social endurance strengthened , this kind of petty visit has a good spreading effect and market .

  12. 免责提示:微服网仅提供信息交流的平台,不对所发布的内容拥有版权,其版权属发布方所有!

    Hint : The tiny a net provides the terrace of the information exchanges only , the wrong a contents for announcing owns the copyright , its copyright belongs to announce the square all !