
tái dēng
  • table lamp;desk lamp;reading lamp
台灯 [tái dēng]
  • (1) [desk lamp; table lamp]∶可放在平面台架上的有座电灯,多带灯罩

  • (2) [reading lamp]∶为阅读而设计或使用的灯

台灯[tái dēng]
  1. 台灯哗啦一声掉到地上。

    The desk lamp fell to the floor with a crash .

  2. 人们根据这些特殊的灯泡制造了特殊固定装置,从学习用的台灯,到祖母传下来的丑萌的手绘中式灯,再到壁橱里的顶灯和烤箱或冰箱里的灯,最后再到牙医给你看牙的灯。

    All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures , from the desk lamp you study by , to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother , to the ceiling fixture in your closet , to the light in your oven or refrigerator , and to the light that the dentist points at you .

  3. 这台灯的底座很沉。

    The lamp has a heavy base .

  4. 台灯的底座可以拧开来进行布线和安装。

    The base of the lamp unscrews for wiring and mounting .

  5. 我用拇指指甲把台灯上的螺钉拧紧了。

    I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp

  6. 书桌上排放着台灯、文具和工具书。

    Reference books , stationery , and reading lamp are all arranged properly on the desk .

  7. 这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。

    The lamp stands on a circular base .

  8. 恒流源LED触摸台灯的设计

    A Design of Constant Current LED Desk Lamp Controlled by Touching

  9. 目前产品覆盖充电应急照明台灯,手电,野营灯,通道应急灯和室内外的LED照明灯饰。

    Our products cover Torch , Camping light , Emergency light and LED indoor and outdoor lighting .

  10. LED灯粒子可结合各种金属类传统及新型台灯造型。

    LED granule can cooperate with various traditional and new style metal skulls to meet customers needs .

  11. 现已开发出LED台灯、LED灯杯、LED球泡、LED吸顶灯等系列照明灯具。

    Have been developed LED lamp , LED lamp cup , LED bulb , LED ceiling lighting series .

  12. 最简单的台灯就是接到离线信号后点亮一组不带调光功能的白色LED。

    In the simplest fashion it takes an offline signal and drives a set of white LEDs with no dimming .

  13. 除一般照明外,盒子还有内置LED阅读台灯,而窗户也配备电动百叶窗来保护隐私。

    In addition to general lighting , the box has built-in LED reading lamps while windows are equipped with electric-drive blinds for privacy .

  14. Monica打破了我的贝壳台灯。

    Monica just broke my seashell lamp .

  15. LED的驱动方式有交流驱动和直流驱动两种,首先分析了交流驱动的可行性,并且设计了一款交流驱动的LED台灯,对其进行了测试,总结了交流驱动LED的优缺点。

    The driving methods of LED included AC driving and DC driving . At first we analyzed the feasibility of AC driving , then we designed a AC driving LED desk lamp , tested it and summarized both advantages and defects of AC driving .

  16. 所谓非接触通用供电平台,是指通过一个平板以放置的方式向诸如手提电脑、台灯、手机、CD机、MP3播放器、电子词典等用电器供电的装置。

    Contactless common power supply platform is a device which supply power for electrical appliances such as computer , lamp , mobile cell , CD player , MP3 player , electronic dictionary by a flat in way of placement .

  17. 这款台灯是由HaldeMartin设计的,设计理念相当简单,用上羽毛来做装饰让灯看起来充满了天使的味道。

    This lamp was designed by Halde Martin , it is such a simple idea , applying feathers to light and it looks angelic .

  18. 例如在一个办公室里,一盏LED台灯也可以是一个Li-Fi路由器,它能连接桌上任何一个已经联网的设备。

    In an office , for example , an LED-powered desk lamp could work as a Li-Fi router , able to link up with any networked device placed on the desk .

  19. NullStern酒店坐落于瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的格劳邦登山山顶,每晚要价237英镑,只有一张双人床、一个床头柜和台灯,完全是户外露天的。

    Perched atop the Gobsi mountain in the Swiss Alps , The Null Stern hotel costs 237 pounds per night and is solely a double bed , with a nightstand and lamps , entirely open to the elements .

  20. 如果你知道谈话的位置,GSM发射器可以安置在的房间一件家具中,比如一盏台灯中。

    If you know the location of the conversation , a GSM transmitter can be hidden in an item of furniture in the room , for example a table lamp .

  21. 我看着Cynthia,问她是不是她开启了电视的睡眠功能,她说没有,然后又把电视打开了。我也把台灯打开。

    I look at Cynthia and asked if she had turned on the sleep timer for the T.V. She said no and just turned the T.V. back on . I turned the lamp back on .

  22. 在巴贝斯通(Babesta,一家纽约童装店——译注),她看到一座好玩的巨大台灯,是以卡通形象米菲(Miffy)为原型制作的。

    At Babesta , she studied a large , playful lamp modeled on the cartoon character Miffy .

  23. JessicaMatthews:“用户可以把任何电器直接插在球上,比如学习台灯或是手机充电器。我们正开发一款水净化器,希望还能开发出别的有用的东西。”

    JULIA SILVERMAN : " Then the user can plug any accessory directly into the ball , like a lamp to study , or a cell phone . We 're developing a water purifier and hopefully some other things that might be beneficial . "

  24. 我们通完电话后,我坐下来琢磨台灯的事。

    We hang up and I sit and think about lamps .

  25. 这种探针所耗电力还不如三台白炽台灯。

    The probe consumes less electricity than three incandescent desk lamps .

  26. 用可控硅台灯演示调压原理及分析

    Demonstration and analysis of voltage-regulation principle using silicon controlled reading lamp

  27. 打开床边桌台上的台灯吧。

    NO06 , Turn on the lamp on the bedside table .

  28. 关上门,放下窗帘,打开台灯,屋里慢慢有了一丝暖意。

    A glimmer of warmth was felt gradually in the shelter .

  29. 在房间里没有一盏台灯,所以他无法阅读。

    There a lamp in the room , so he read .

  30. 台灯是无线的,可以用电池。

    The table lamps are wireless and use a base charge .