
  • 网络Historiography Quarterly
  1. 当代中国的口述史学理论研究

    The Theoretical Study of Oral History in Chinese Mainland Since the 1980s

  2. 史学理论研究与新时期中国史学的复兴

    Researches in theories of historiography & renaissance of historiography of China in New Period

  3. 21世纪中国的西方史学理论研究刍议

    On Studies of Western Historical Theory in China in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  4. 没有理论就没有历史科学&20世纪我国史学理论研究的回顾和思考

    Without Theory , without Historical Science : Reflections on Historiography in China in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  5. 历史客观性问题是史学理论研究的一个核心问题,这个问题的提出是人类认识史上的一个进步。

    Historical objectivism is a key question for historiography study . The raise of this question is a progress in the cognition history of human being .

  6. 反思·探索·融合·多元&改革开放30年来中国史学理论研究的回顾与展望

    Reflection · Exploration · Fusion · Multiple-perspective & A review of and expectation towards the study of Chinese historical theory since the beginning of reform and opening 30 years ago

  7. 他倡导、支持西方史学理论研究,追踪近代史的研究前沿,弘扬实事求是的学风。

    He advocated and supported the theoretical study of Western historiography , closely followed cuttingedge advances in research on modern history and promoted a practical and realistic style of study .

  8. 现代化史观是我国史学理论研究的重大突破,本文分析了现代化史观运用于高中近现代史教学中的必要性,并探究了高中近现代史教学中运用现代化史观的教学策略。

    It is the important reason of crisis in teaching . , This thesis analyzes the necessities and explores the teaching strategies of using historical viewpoint of modernization-a great breakthrough in the study of historiography theory in china .

  9. 追踪国内外史学理论研究中的前沿问题,理论联系实际将是新世纪我国史学理论研究的主要特点和趋势。

    Tracking the problems of forward position in researches in the theories of historiography , the theories linking reality , all of those will be the main characteristics and tendency of the researches in the theories of historiography of our country in the new century .

  10. 刘咸忻对传统史学理论的研究也颇具特点。

    His traditional historiography is also full of features .

  11. 年鉴学派的史学理论和研究实践对世界历史学的发展做出了贡献。

    There is no doubt that the Annales School made great contribution to the development of the world historiography .

  12. 21世纪中国史学理论走向问题研究综述

    A Review of the Research on the Trend of Chinese Historical Theory in New Century

  13. 随着史学界现代化理论研究的深入和现代化史学范式的兴起,在中学历史教学过程中逐渐重视将史学研究的新成果运用到教学之中。

    With the rise of modern theoretical research and modernization paradigm , new achievements of the historical research are gradually used in high school history teaching process .

  14. 因此,从学术价值来看,本文将有助于拓展伦理学、设计学、艺术史学等学科理论研究的新视域,丰富其新命题,开创其新境界。

    Therefore , from the point of view of academic value , this paper will help raise new questions in the theoretical research on ethics , design and art theory .

  15. 新经济史学中的寻租理论研究

    The Study of Rent-seeking Theory in New Economic History

  16. 历史学家的情感、性格或历史感是史学理论和史家心理学研究中的一个重要问题。

    The research on the emotion , characteristic and historical responsibility of the historians is one of the important issues in the study of theory on history and psychology of historians .

  17. 中国封建社会长期停滞不前,有许多具体因素,但从史学理论的角度加以研究,其根本原因是无动机行为及惰性继承。

    China 's feudal society was stagnant for a long time for a variety of reasons . However , study from the angle of theory on history shows that the basic reasons are unmotivated behavior and inactive inheritance .

  18. 柳诒徵从事通史、文化史、地方史、史学理论等诸多领域研究,对中国史学发展及中国历史文化精神提出了许多精辟独到的见解。

    Liu Yizheng majored in comprehensive history , cultural history , local history , history theory and so on many domains research , he put forward many brilliantly original ideas about the development of Chinese history and culture of China spirit .

  19. 新文化史兴起于20世纪60年代末,美国学者罗伯特·达恩顿教授在80年代出版的《屠猫记》一书是标志该史学流派在理论和研究方法上趋于成熟的代表作之一。

    " The New Cultural History " rose in the late 1960s . " The Great Cat Massacre " that written by he American Professor Robert Darnton in the 1980s is one of the representatives that indicated the tendency of maturity in theory and research methods of such history genre .

  20. 史学的功能问题是史学理论研究的永恒课题。

    The issue of the historical function is a perpetual topic of the research on the historical theory .

  21. 作者认为,新与传统原是相对概念,但今新史学则多指引进西方史学理论的研究。

    New and traditional are relative concepts in their true sense , but the concept of new historiography now refers mainly to research under the guidance of historical research theories introduced from the West .

  22. 本文包括两部分,一是归纳了中国史学史学科自20世纪90年代以来的新进展,主要表现在:对中国传统史学理论进行自觉研究,并取得切实的成绩;

    This paper includes two parts , the first part sum up the new achievements of Chinese historiography since the 1990s as follows : the theory of Chinese traditional history has been studied consciously and great progress has been made ;

  23. 本文将中国古代史学理论分为前期史学和后期史学两个阶段,前期史学理论的基本特征表现为对真的追求;而后期史学理论的研究旨向则主要指向通。

    This essay maintains that there are two phases : early historiography and late historiography , fundamental characteristic of former is the pursue of " true " , and purpose of latter is " consistent " .