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  1. 他也同意我们的社会需要更多像史玉柱带来的创意方法那样来改善儿童问题。

    He also agrees that our society needs more creative ideas like Shi 's to deal with children 's problems .

  2. 几乎所有的重大决策都是由史玉柱做出。

    Almost all great and decision-making it is make by Shi Yuzhu .

  3. 马云和史玉柱的巨人网络是该交易的合伙人。

    Mr. Ma and Mr. Shi of Giant Interactive were partners in the deal .

  4. 或成为第二个四通电子,将来出巨资买下史玉柱的巨人投资公司?

    Or into a seconde-Stone , a huge investment in the future to buy Shi Yuzhu of the giant investment company ?

  5. 痛定思痛后的史玉柱有了一种管理创新&每个销售经理背后附带多人信用担保。

    Shi Yuzhu have to learn from its mistakes after a management innovation-each with more than a sales manager behind the credit guarantee .

  6. 这股力量曾经让史玉柱的“系统”失算,我相信,它同样也可以成为江南春真正的噩梦。

    This force once made Shi Yuzhu 's system injudicious , I believe , it also can become the nightmare with Changjiang Delta real spring likewise .

  7. 史玉柱个人与他所取得的商业成就,一定程度上浓缩了改革开放以来中国人、中国企业、中国经济的错综复杂、悲欢离合。

    Shi Yuzhu made by the individual and his business success , to a certain extent , the concentration of China 's reform and opening up , Chinese enterprises , China 's economy complex vicissitudes .