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  • 网络Stan
  1. 史丹和卡拉正在讨论新店的细节。

    Stan and Kara are discussing the new store in detail .

  2. 卡拉和史丹正在谈他们最近开业的服饰店。

    Kara and Stan are talking about their recently opened clothing store .

  3. 史丹斯兰他是活该,你也是。

    Stensland got what he deserved and so will you .

  4. 不过,讲到这一点,史丹若有所思地搔搔他的耳朵。

    But at this point Stane scratched his ear meditatively .

  5. 不付钱就杀了雪若和史丹。

    They 'll pay , or we 'll kill fields and frazier .

  6. 他随即注意到史丹兴高采烈的神情。

    Immediately he noticed the joviality of Stane 's manner .

  7. “即使在混乱中,史丹内心依然宁静。”

    " Even amid turmoil , Stan can have inner peace . "

  8. 史丹在城里最好的餐厅当服务生。

    Stan works as a waiter in the best restaurant in the city .

  9. 我是史丹?皮特斯进来,进来

    I 'm Stan Peters . Come on in , come on in .

  10. 史丹看到他恢复健康了,觉得既轻松又愉快。

    Stane seemed to be very much relieved and pleased at his recovery .

  11. 史丹李我会把最终报价发给�

    Okay , Stan Li , I 'll email you my best price .

  12. 是,我听到了,史丹。

    Yeah man , I hear you , Stan .

  13. 亲爱的史丹,本想早点给你回信,只是我确实太忙了

    Dear Stan , I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy

  14. 他们甚至可能生个儿子,继承史丹的爵位。

    They might even have a son , heir to the earldom of Stane .

  15. 史丹杀了这女孩。

    I think Stan killed this girl .

  16. 史丹,我想我们还是进去吧,好吗?

    Stan , I think it 's better if we go inside , all right ?

  17. 史丹,你没事吧?-

    Stan , you all right ? -

  18. 而史丹斯兰也死在夜猫子。

    Stensland dies at the nite owl .

  19. 把狄克史丹斯兰的事告诉我。

    Tell me about Dick stensland .

  20. 他们的老大是诺曼.史丹菲尔德。

    Their boss is Norman Stansfield .

  21. 史丹:这星期六你要和我一起参加学校的舞会吗?

    Stan : Would you like to go to the school party with me this Saturday ?

  22. 史丹!妈的史丹,我到处找你。

    Stan ! Shit , Stan , I 've been looking all over for you , man .

  23. 据说史丹福莱佛士爵士曾选定此岛屿为最佳转运港口而不是新加坡。

    Stamford Raffles is believed to have considered Karimun island instead of Singapore island when looking for a settlement .

  24. 史丹:这星期六你要和我一起参加学校的舞会吗?安琪拉:好啊!

    Stan : Would you like to go to the school party with me this Saturday ? Angela : Yes , I would .

  25. 史丹:我…,嗯,我有一样小东西送给你当情人节的礼物,你愿意做我的情人吗?

    Stan : Well , I. .. uh ... got you a little something for Valentine 's Day . Would you be my valentine ?