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  1. 目前测量辣度的实验更为科学,但史高维尔的名字仍沿用下来。

    Today 's tests are more scientific , but Scoville 's name lingers on .

  2. 在温斯洛普大学进行的测试中,卡罗来纳死神的平均辣度为惊人的160万度(以史高维尔辣度单位来衡量)。

    During tests at Winthrop , the Reaper averaged just shy of 1.6 million Scoville Heat Units .

  3. 这道菜里含有世界上最辣的两种辣椒,其中卡罗来娜死神辣椒的史高维尔指标高达1569300。

    The meal contains two of the spiciest chillies in the world , including the Carolina Reaper which hits 1,569,300 on the Scoville heat measurement scale .

  4. 他这道超级辣菜的史高维尔指标高达1200万,差不多是警用胡椒喷雾的3倍。注:史高维尔指标是度量辣度的单位。检测方法是把辣椒汁水稀释到品尝不出辣味。1200万单位意味着要稀释1200万倍。

    His super-hot meal registers a whopping 12million on the Scoville heat measurement scale and is almost three times as a powerful as pepper spray used by police .

  5. 史高维尔将辣椒稀释在糖水中,直到尝不出辣味为止。辣度以稀释的糖水量衡量需要的量越大,辣椒就越辣。

    Scoville diluted pepper extract in sugar water until the chilli 's heat was no longer discernible . The resulting scale measures the degree of dilution the greater the degree needed , the hotter the chilli .