
  1. 一切草木都需要水和阳光。

    All plants [ flora ] need water and light .

  2. 虽然地球上75%的地方都被水覆盖,但只有2%是淡水,这些淡水来自河流、湖泊和冰雪。

    While 75 % of our planet is covered with water , only about 2 % is fresh water — that comes from rivers , lakes , ice and snow .

  3. turnoff(把…)关掉水龙头关不上,满地都是水。

    The tap won 't turn off and there is water all over the floor .

  4. 该聚合物在宽广的pH范围都具有水溶性,且能够作为金、银、溴化银纳米粒子的稳定剂。

    The polymer is water soluble in a larger pH range and is used as a particle stabilizer for gold , silver and silver bromide nanoparticles .

  5. 胰岛素分子A、B链各氨基酸残基的极性和荷电基团,除已经彼此以氢键或盐键形成给体-受体配偶者和处于分子内部者外,其余几乎都与水分子相结合。

    Almost all polar and charged groups of the A-chain and B-chain of insulin are bound to water molecules , except those which have already formed donor-receptor couples with hydrogen bonds or salt linkages and those which are inaccessibly inside the molecule .

  6. 在撒丁岛(Sardinia)度假时,全家人会把桶都装满水,体验扎染技术。

    During our summer vacations in Sardinia , [ the family ] would fill buckets with water and experiment with the tie-dye technique .

  7. 这两类官能化嵌段聚合物都在水溶液中自组装形成核壳型胶束颗粒,且临界胶束化浓度(CMC)随亲水链段的增加而增大,随疏水链段的增加而降低。

    The two kinds of amphiphilic copolymers self-assemble into core-shell micelles in aqueous solution and the critical micellization concentration ( CMC ) increases with the increase of the length of hydrophilic block while decreases with the increase of the length of hydrophobic block .

  8. 做豆腐的各个环节都和水密不可分。

    Water is a necessity in every procedure of making tofu .

  9. 满地都是水还没有防滑垫。

    The floor is all wet and there is no mattress .

  10. 作为一个结果,我们都充满水。

    As a result , we were all drenched with water .

  11. 你以为所有的黑人都怕水?

    So you think all black people are just scared of water ?

  12. 我市各供水系统都把水打送到高位罐中去。

    Our city water systems pump water into high tanks .

  13. 所有产品都是水性的,用蒸馏水制作而成。

    All products are made of distilled water , nonflammable .

  14. 约翰出了点意外,作业上洒得到处都是水。

    John had an accident and spilled water all over his work .

  15. 机关、工厂和学校都需要水。

    Water is needed in offices , factories and schools .

  16. 他的手摸着哪儿,都像水一样顺从。

    Wherever his hands moved it was all as yielding as water .

  17. 这些都与水有关。

    And all those things have to do with water .

  18. 例如,苹果中85%都是水。

    Apple , for example , is 85 percent water .

  19. 每个细胞都需要水来执行他们的基本功能。

    Each and every cell needs water to perform its essential functions .

  20. 哎呀,都说水是喀纳斯的灵魂。

    Wow , no wonder locals say water is the soul of kanas .

  21. 我们都知道水的密度低于水。

    We all know oil is lighter than water .

  22. 由于整个村落都在水上,

    With this entire village existing on the water ,

  23. 我们都知道水对于日常生活的重要性。

    As we all know , water is essential in our daily life .

  24. 比如游泳和水球都是水上运动的分项。

    For example swimming and water polo are disciplines of the sport Aquatics .

  25. 她忘了关水龙头,满厨房都是水。

    She forgot to turn off the tap and water flooded the kitchen .

  26. 冰和雪都是水这一种物质的不同形式。

    Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance , water .

  27. 如果所有颜色都是水性油墨,则为满分;否则按比例折算。

    If all colors are water-based inks , the full score is awarded .

  28. 这两种疾病都是水在作怪。

    And both of those are water issues .

  29. 浴室的地面上都是水。

    The bathroom floor was swimming with water .

  30. 除了这儿,都有水痕。

    Left a scum residue everywhere but here .