
dū huì
  • city;metropolis
都会 [dōu huì]
  • [city;metropolis] 都市

都会[dū huì]
  1. 然而,“亚洲国际都会”(Asia’sWorldCity)和其北方的增长引擎之间的联系正变得薄弱。

    Yet the link between " Asia 's World City " and its northern engine of growth is becoming tenuous .

  2. 维多利亚是我不断想往不雅观赏的都会。

    Victoria is a city I 've always wanted to visit .

  3. 我希望所有的辛勤劳动都会有回报。

    I hope all the hard work will translate into profits .

  4. 快点!他随时都会回来。

    Hurry up ! He 'll be back any minute now .

  5. 快点!他随时都会回来。

    Hurry up ! He 'll be back any moment now .

  6. 我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。

    Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage .

  7. 老师走进教室时大家都会起立。

    Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom .

  8. 无论王室夫妇走到何处,他们的身后都会跟着一大群媒体记者。

    A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever they went .

  9. 任何有头脑的人都会完全照你那样去做的。

    Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did .

  10. 任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。

    Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny .

  11. 大多数人遇见马时都会轻轻地拍拍它。

    Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it .

  12. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。

    A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries .

  13. 我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。

    My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet .

  14. 每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。

    Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives .

  15. 问题最后都会自行解决。

    It will all sort itself out in the end .

  16. 绝大多数白血病患者都会接受某种药物治疗。

    Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy .

  17. 但愿一切都会按计划进行。

    Let 's hope everything will go according to plan .

  18. 每当火车驶过,这些墙都会震动。

    Every time a train went past the walls vibrated .

  19. 练习十分简单,几乎谁都会做。

    The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them .

  20. 不管你作何决定,都会得到我们的支持。

    You have our support , whatever you decide .

  21. 每天晚上他都会梦见那次撞车的可怕情景。

    He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams .

  22. 大多数学生在求学期间都会面临经济来源的问题。

    Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying .

  23. 短声波即使遇到小物体都会产生回音。

    Short sound waves bounce off even small objects .

  24. 他这人很讨厌,没有他我们都会舒服得多。

    He was a nuisance and we 're all well rid of him .

  25. 我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。

    We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up .

  26. 我们告诉他,在任何情况下我们都会支持他。

    We told him we 'd back him whatever .

  27. 我们真蠢,竟以为人人都会说英语。

    We foolishly thought that everyone would speak English .

  28. 如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。

    Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously .

  29. 别担心,一切都会好的。

    Never fear , everything will be all right .

  30. 任何延误都会损及这个孩子的身心健康。

    Any delay will prejudice the child 's welfare .