
  1. 不是所有的美国人都事富有的,也不是所有的人都会有种族歧视。

    Not every American person is rich , not everyone here is prejudiced .

  2. 可那都事出有�

    But there 's a reason for it .

  3. 乐观地看待将要发生的一切吧,但也做好什么都事都没有发生的准备,因为有可能此次的月食并没有能发现什么来告诉你。

    Be glad to know what comes up , but realize too that perhaps nothing will come up because the eclipse will not find anything to show you .

  4. 各种人都无事可做。

    There are all sorts of people undone .

  5. 他们一行人的着装和马匹都不事张扬。

    The party makes no great show in uniform or horses .

  6. 上帝说过,啥都不是事儿!

    The god said : every thing is nothing !

  7. 在那萧条时期,很多人都无事可做。

    Many people were idle during the depression .

  8. 事情你找谁都一事,别浪费时间了。

    The thing is the same for everyone , don 't waste your time .

  9. 这是每天都有的事。

    That is done every day .

  10. 在词、句式、修辞运用上都少事雕琢,追求的是文章的素淡。

    In a word , sentence , Rhetoric carved on both less things , the pursuit of the article .

  11. 他们什么情况?马克:嗯,如果他在学校或别的什么经历了一些不顺,他的哥哥或者姐姐会帮助他让他觉得这些都不是事儿。

    Mark : Well , if he was having a hard time in school or something , his older brother or sister would make him feel like it wasn 't a big deal .

  12. 扫罗无论差遣大卫往何处去,他都作事精明。扫罗就立他作战士长,众百姓和扫罗的臣仆无不喜悦。

    And David went wherever Saul sent him , and did wisely : and Saul put him at the head of his men of war , and this was pleasing to all the people as well as to saul 's servants .

  13. 工作压力是一件让员工和管理人员都关切的事。

    Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management .

  14. “哦,对不起,我忘了。”——“每个人都有忘事的时候,”那女孩叹着气说道。

    ' Oh , sorry . I forgot . ' — ' Everyone forgets , ' the girl sighed .

  15. 我们都是一事。

    We are all together .

  16. 你们都是一事吗?

    Are you all together ?

  17. 对我们来说独自一人在这里是一次令人兴奋的经历,对我们来说都是新鲜事。

    It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone , and it was all new to us .

  18. 对于德意志证券交易所和纽约泛欧证券交易所的CEO而言,本周在达沃斯经济论坛上的碰面谈的可都是正经事儿。

    FOR the chief executives of Deutsche Boerse ( DB ) and NYSE Euronext , this week 's hobnobbing in Davos was strictly business .

  19. 他在介绍自己学历时承认,在学校就读的时候满脑子里装的都是其他事。他1995年勉强从山景城高中(MVHS)毕业,后来从圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversity)辍学。

    By his own admission in listing his education -- barely graduating from MVHS in 1995 and dropping out of San Jose State University -- he had other things on his mind .

  20. 你要知道这都是按事办事。

    I assure you , it 's all on the up-and-up .

  21. 世上没有对人人都不利的事。

    It 's an ill wind that blows nobody any good .

  22. 鲍伯琼斯向来都是我们事工最好的朋友。

    Bob Jones has been a best friend of our ministry .

  23. 但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。

    But I am short-tempered , frazzled from all responsibilities .

  24. 作为好莱坞的盛大之夜,奥斯卡颁奖礼可谓地球人都知道的事。

    The Oscars - Hollywood 's biggest night - never needs introduction .

  25. 你每天都做这些事吗

    You 've been doing all of this every day ...

  26. 我能说点我们都知道的事吗?

    Can I just say something out loud that we all know ?

  27. 只是满脑子都是这个事。

    Just , um , concerned about all this stuff .

  28. “做我每天早晨都做的事。”他说。

    " What I do every morning ," he said .

  29. 这对我来说都是新鲜事,都很令人感兴趣。

    It was all new and very interesting to me .

  30. 斯泰西:我几乎每天都碰到尴尬事。

    Stacey : I embarrass myself nearly every day !