
  • 网络Metropolitan Park;urban park;city park
  1. 我们每个周末都会到公园玩飞盘。

    We always go to the park on weekends and play Frisbee .

  2. 每天早上他都会去公园散步然后在12点半回家吃午饭。

    Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch .

  3. 夏天的时候,很多小孩子都会去那个公园里的游乐场。

    In summer , many kids will go to the playground in that park .

  4. 我妈妈每个周日下午都会陪我在公园玩。

    My mother plays with me in the park every Sunday afternoon .

  5. 每逢周日下午,鲍勃和杰克都会在附近的公园里散步。杰克非常喜欢这样的散步。

    Every Sunday afternoon , Bob and Jack have a long walk in the park nearby , Jack likes these long walks very much .