
tōnɡ shì
  • interpreter;translator;diplomatic affairs
通事 [tōng shì]
  • [interpreter] 旧指翻译人员

  1. 他们不知道约瑟听得出来,因为在他们中间用通事传话。

    They did not realize that Joseph could understand them , since he was using an interpreter .

  2. 因此,通事在元代又有“回回通事”、“放良通事”等不同称谓。

    So the Tongshi were called Huihui Tongshi or Fangliang Tongshi in Yuan Dynasty .

  3. 从通事到翻译官&论近代中外语言接触史上的主、被动角色的转移

    From " Linguists " to " Official Translators ": On the Transformation between Active and Passive Roles in the History of Language Contact between China and Western Countries

  4. 明朝末年,随着中西贸易活动的日益频繁,在澳门、广州地区出现了与传统通事不同的新通事。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , as the Sino-western trade had becoming more frequent , the interpreters who differed from the traditional ones appeared in Macao and Guangzhou .

  5. 这类通事主要负责同欧洲国家的贸易交往事务,其组成人员主要有澳门、广州地区的华籍沿海居民、中外混血儿和外国来华传教士。

    They mainly provided services for Sino-European trade . The interpreters were composed of some Coastal residents in Guangzhou and Macau , persons of mixed blood and foreign missionaries .

  6. 它毫无特殊之处,只是普普通通的事。

    There was nothing special about it ; it was only average .

  7. 罗通的事我自己来处理。

    Lawton is my problem to deal with .

  8. 就着这个喜棚,你再办一通儿事得了州长办公室搞鬼搞得太厉害了。

    " You may as well make use of this birthday marquee to get my business settled . " There is too much monkey business going on in the governor 's office .

  9. 沙琳确实胡说八道地讲了一通戴夫的事。

    Charlene is really talking a lot of hoopla about dave .