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  1. 位于第三位的是收入5.95千万的FleetwoodMac,尽管这支乐队有三位男士,它也以拥有两位备受瞩目的女星为荣,她们是史蒂薇.妮克丝和最近回归的克莉丝汀麦克,是她们造就了本次上榜。

    Rounding out the top three is Fleetwood Mac at $ 59.5 million . Though the band contains three men , it also boasts two high-profile ladies - Stevie Nicks and the recently-returned Christine McVie - rendering the group eligible for this list .

  2. 我相信你们已经见过我的猎场看守人了,史蒂分。

    I believe you 've already met my gamekeeper , stephan .

  3. 然而,史蒂城不是唯一的机会。

    Still , stuy town is not the only opportunity out there .

  4. 你和史蒂分在一起干什么?

    What in the hell did you do with stephan ?

  5. 但是阿克塞而和史蒂分在林子里抓到了她。

    But axel and Stephan caught her in the woods .

  6. 这里是史蒂芙。韦恩,您的夜空之灯。

    This is Stevie wayne , your night-iight .

  7. 我喜欢你叫我史蒂栖。

    I like you call me stevesie .

  8. 它们为史蒂城支付了54亿美元单处房地产有史以来最高的价格。

    They paid $ 5.4 billion for stuy Town , the highest price ever for a single property .

  9. 史蒂克勒斯尽全力去经营自己的生命:摄影及创作。

    When Stiklits was trying to do with his photographs , he was trying to do throughout his life & make photography and arts .

  10. 那么我希望我的演讲带给大家的是,这一切的启示是,请学习史蒂薇·妮克丝学她就对了。

    So what I you to take away from my talk , the lesson of all of this , is to just be Stevie Nicks .

  11. 这两个团体都希望史蒂城依然在中产阶级家庭的承受范围之内,但这却限制了买主短期的利润预期。

    Both groups want to see stuy town remain affordable for middle-class families , which will limit the profits any buyer can expect from the property in the near term .

  12. 咪咪:令人惊艳的是我在佛罗里达州南部这儿、你在德国的高速公路上、史蒂夫人在温哥华、还有人在洛杉矶,我听说。

    Mimi : It 's amazing how I 'm here in South Florida , and your there in Germany on the autobahn , Steve 's in Vancouver and somebody is in LA , I hear .