
  1. 美育对开发右脑潜能、拓宽思维领域、完善智能结构三个方面有巨大作用。

    From the three aspects of developing the potency of the right brain , broadening the mental field , and completing the intelligent structure , aesthetic education has a big function in the development of human intelligence .

  2. 形象思维是人类的一种基本而又重要的思维方式,开发右脑潜能,发展形象思维是近一二十年才提出来的课题。

    Thinking in Images is one kind of human 's basic and important mode of thinking . Developing the potential of right brain , and developing the Thinking in Images are the topic that is close to one decade or two to just put forward .

  3. 就如何使用和激发右脑的智力潜能,充分发挥学生的观察力、形象思维力和想象力,以提高组织学和胚胎学教学效果和学习质量。

    The article explains how to use and explore the potential of the right cerebrum , develop students ' observation , and thinking in images and imagination , so as to improve teaching and learning of histology and embryology .