
  • 网络ligule;ligulate;ligula
  1. 这些资料表明叶舌和辐间的多层区似乎早于异孢性。

    These data suggest the ligule and interradial multilamellate region appeared prior to heterospory .

  2. 叶舌高约3mm,具长约4mm纤毛;

    The ligula about 3 mm high , and the cilium of the ligula about 4 mm long ;

  3. 具叶舌痕的圆印木状茎干在安徽巢湖上泥盆统的首次发现

    First discovery of cyclostigma-like stem with ligular pit from Upper Devonian of Chaohu city , Anhui

  4. 主支气管、两肺上叶、右肺中叶、左肺上叶舌段支气管为好发部位。

    Main bronchus , upper lobe of both lungs , mid-lingual lobe bronchus is predilection site .

  5. 该突变体在全生育期表现出叶片直立,无叶耳,叶舌不规则。

    The tel mutant shows irregular ligules and showing upright leaves without auricles in the whole growth period .

  6. 轻度的植株能有正常的叶及叶鞘,但没有叶舌,叶与叶鞘的边界弥散。

    Plants with a mild phenotype formed normal leaf sheaths and blades , but lacked ligules and showed diffusion of the blade – sheath boundary .

  7. 本试验主要通过根据水稻不同生长期的特征,在水稻箭叶与倒二叶叶舌齐平时套袋处理。

    According to the different growth periods over rice field , the experiment was conducted by bagging treatment when the ligule of flag leaf and the top second leaf are just of overlapping .