
  • 【电影】Ip Man
  1. WellGo最近发行的其他影片包括李沧东的《燃烧》、张艺谋的《影》和袁和平的《叶问传》。

    Among Well Go 's other recent releases are Lee Chang-dong 's Burning , Zhang Yimou 's Shadow and Yuen Woo-Ping 's Master Z : The Ip Man Legacy .

  2. 邱礼涛2010年还曾执导过《叶问前传》(TheLegendIsBorn:IpMan)。该片主要讲述了这位武学宗师的青年岁月。

    Mr. Yau himself has weighed in previously , with 2010 's ' The Legend Is Born : Ip Man , ' which focused on the martial artist 's younger years .

  3. 在今年香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)上,有关篮球明星林书豪(JeremyLin)的纪录片、一部宋朝战争史诗影片和有关武术大师叶问(IPMAN)生平的最新影片成为关注焦点。

    A documentary about basketball sensation Jeremy Lin , a Song Dynasty war epic and the latest incarnation of Ip Man are in focus at this year 's Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  4. 近年来,叶问成了人气极高的电影角色,也为电影带来了超高的票房收入,其中最有名的就是2008年的电影《叶问》(IpMan)和2010年的续集,两部影片均由香港功夫明星甄子丹出演。

    The Ip Man character has become an extremely popular -- and profitable -- movie character in recent years , most notably with 2008 's ' Ip Man ' and its 2010 sequel starring Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen .

  5. 邱礼涛描绘了一个理想化的叶问形象。叶问确有其人,他教授咏春拳,李小龙(BruceLee)年轻时曾拜他为师。

    Mr. Yau paints an idealized portrait of the real-life figure who taught the form of kung fu known as wing chun and counted a young Bruce Lee among his students .

  6. 香港国际电影节节目策划王庆锵(JacobWong)说,叶问这个角色被刻画得栩栩如生,他捍卫弱者,向劳动阶级传授咏春拳。

    He 's depicted as ' a down-to-earth character , defending the underdog and teaching kung fu to the working class , ' says festival curator Jacob Wong . '

  7. 2008年,甄子丹(DonnieYen)首次在《叶问》一片中饰演该角色,塑造了一个有修养的顾家男人,在受到威胁的情况下打败恶棍。

    He was first played in 2008 by Donnie Yen , who portrayed him as a cultured family man who could take down villains when threatened .

  8. 与《X战警》(X-Men)和《蝙蝠侠》(Batman)等根据漫画书改编的美国电影很像的是,叶问的故事近年来被一再搬上银幕。

    The story of Ip Man , much like American comic-book tales such as ' X-Men ' and ' Batman , ' has been told and retold on film in recent years .

  9. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  10. 没有李小龙叶问也不会成为传奇

    Yip Man would not be a legend without Bruce Lee .

  11. 和由叶问及其学生组成的咏春派

    and the Wing Chun clan by Yip Man and his students ,

  12. 因此叶问对布鲁斯影响很深

    So Yip Man was a great influence on Bruce ,

  13. 电影《叶问》星期五在新时代电影院上演。

    The film YeWen on Friday at New Time Cinema .

  14. 黄秋生说,揣摩叶问的口音对他来讲比较容易。

    Nailing the accent came easier , he says .

  15. 而《叶问3》发行方尚未对该指控做出回应。

    Producers of Ip Man 3 have yet to respond to the allegations .

  16. 叶问系统地教授了布鲁斯咏春拳

    Yip Man trained Bruce in wing chun ,

  17. 关于叶问的种种传说:

    On the Many Legends of Ip Man :

  18. 叶问的弟子之一就是年轻时代的李小龙。

    His students included a young Bruce Lee .

  19. 担任电影《叶问》中的咏春拳顾问(武术指导)。

    Ip Chun served as the martial art consultant for the film Ip Man .

  20. 此番接拍《叶问2》甄子丹的片酬是否水涨船高?

    This retired " Ye Q2 " Donnie Yen is a corresponding rise in the fee ?

  21. 中国功夫电影《叶问3》将于本周五在美国影院正式上映。

    Chinese Kung Fu film ' Ip Man 3 ' will open in US theaters this Friday .

  22. 来自中国名叫叶问的五十岁女子,有着没有一丝皱纹的无暇肌肤和超级完美的身材,看上去比实际年龄年轻几十岁。

    With her flawless skin wrinkle-free complexion and super-toned body 50-year-old Ye Wen from China looks decades younger .

  23. 最终,影片用诗意手法传达出对叶问影响深远的那份传统武学智慧。

    Ultimately , the movie poetically delivers the wisdom of martial arts tradition in which Ip was deeply entrenched .

  24. 为了进行更彻底的审查,广电总局还要求电子售票方提供他们与《叶问3》发行人签署的合同。

    SARFT has also asked e-ticketing institutions to provide their contracts with the distributor of Ip Man 3 for further scrutiny .

  25. 3月5号,也就是电影发行的第二天,《叶问3》的票房收益就超过了三亿元。

    Ticket sales for Ip Man 3 surpassed 300 million yuan on March 5 , the second day since its opening .

  26. 王家卫说:为什么叶问要在漆黑、滂沱的雨夜在街头跟人打架?

    Why would he be fighting on the streets on a pitch-black night in a heavy downpour ? asked Mr. Wong .

  27. 但王家卫也透露了自己的解读:在他看来,叶问与宫二之间只不过是功夫高手之间惺惺相惜的友情。

    But he did reveal that he viewed the characters ' relationship as a friendship developed from an appreciation of kung fu .

  28. 《叶问2》是2008年的影片《叶问》的续集,讲述的依然是这位20世纪中国武术大师的生活。

    " Ip Man2 ," the follow-up to2008 's'Ip Man , 'follows the life of the20th-century Chinese martial-arts master by the same name .

  29. 而对于观众而言,要明白叶问的想法或电影所要传达的内容并非易事。

    But it 's not always easy for the audience to understand what Ip is thinking or what the story is trying to convey .

  30. 后来他在十三岁时拜叶问为师

    of others dictating his future . Then , of course , when he was 13 , he went to study with Yip Man .